22. Sleep Number Rule

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Title: Sleep Number Rule

Author: RecessiveJean

Status: Completed

Relationship: Katelena

Summary: Farm or not, Clint always had a firm policy against bringing home strays.


Firm ish.

Chapters: Oneshot

Words: 7,575


Kate Bishop

Yelena Belova

Laura Barton

Clint Barton

Lila Barton

Cooper Barton

Nathaniel Barton

Minor Relationship(s):

Laura Barton/Clint Barton


Kate Bishop & Clint Barton

Kate Bishop & Laura Barton

Warning(s): Minor Character Death (not graphic)

My Rating: 9/10

Fav Quote(s):

"Of course I came because of Kate."

"My intentions are-are very explicit.."

My Comments/Thoughts: Follows the perspective of Laura and Clint so we don't get to know what Yelena and Kate personally feel. You are reading from the Barton's perspective, so you'll get an outsider's view of how Yelena and Kate interact.

Website: AO3

Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/36932101

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