57. With the lights out, it's less dangerous

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Title: With the lights out, it's less dangerous (3 part series)

Author: hcbtaenyc

Status: Part 1 & 2 - Completed; Part 3 - Incompleted

Relationship: Katelena

Summary: Kate is sad and angry with the world after returning to New York. Yelena drops by for that drink and is soft.

Chapters: Part 1 - 20, Part 2 - 1, Part 3 - 8/10

Words: Part 1 - 88,329; Part 2 11,242; Part 3 24,773


Kate Bishop

Yelena Belova

Clint Barton



Eleanor Bishop

Minor Relationship(s): N/A


Kate Bishop & Clint Barton

Yelena Belova & Sonya

Yelena Belova & Ana

Warning(s): Frequent Smut

My Rating: 10/10

Fav Quote(s):

Part 1

"You can keep my t-shirt if you're ever so lonely one night."

"You should not have to pay to express yourself, it is dumb."

"I look forward to watching her squirm when she sees how I have defiled her daughter."

"You are so beautiful, Kate Bishop."

"Clearly checking you as if I was invisible, сука."

"Right out of a terrible action movie, yes, I can picture it."

"You look like a bug, but it kind of works for me. I look forward to peeling you out of it later,"


Part 2

"The easiest decision I've ever made. The best decision I've ever made,"


Part 3

"I miss you. It's difficult sleeping without you."

"Sexy is anywhere with you, babe,"

"Oh my god! Get a room you two,"

My Comments/Thoughts: frequent smut but with a plot still *cheers* no but seriously this is explicit

have fun horndogs

chapter 4's soft moments though <3

i'm so soft for them

the way yelena cares for kate, my heart is about to explode

gfs being gfs without realizing they are gfs

i noticed that this author is making forehead touches a thing with these two and i'm in love with it

Nothing just the entire scene with Yelena wearing a hat backwards


the actual pain kate is in because of yelena trying to make her eat healthy

i vaguely remember reading this a while ago and i could have sworn i've recommended it before

Melina and Alexei's intro to this is actually the best I've ever read of them. They play very important roles in this and I grew to love them even more afterwards

istg i was on the edge if my seat, the action, the angst, the fluff, perfection.

The second story to this is short and like mostly smut but still has such good moments with fluff. Some important things happen here :)

However, I'm going to be mostly talking about this third one.

I love when Yelena is with the other widows. Their teasing is lighthearted and fun. Ana is so funny



Website: AO3

Link: Part 1: https://archiveofourown.org/works/36825433/chapters/91869805 | Part 2: https://archiveofourown.org/works/38471317?view_full_work=true| Part 3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40510170/chapters/101489856

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