Chapter 14: Am I Going Crazy??

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Too many things were happening, our stress and anxiety and fear was increasing, heck everything that happened so far feels like some wack nightmare or stupid scary story or.. Like a crazy person's crazy hallucinations.. Am I going crazy?! Honestly I wish, but unfortunately this is all some twisted, demented, crazy, suck reality.. But that is reality in general for you..

Twisted, demented, crazy, sick, depressing, upsetting, weird, unhappy, messed up and always the opposite of what you want or deserve.. And I've learnt to accept that.. It may be "pessimistic" and all... But hey.. That's reality.. I'm being realistic.. I don't get my expectations or hopes high.. Thinking negative can help you with a lot.. And heck all those stupid stories and fairytales.. They're fake.. They're just that.. Stories.. They'll never be real.. There's a difference between fantasy and reality..

And heck life isn't one of those stories, where being negative or realistic is bad, and where everyone needs to be positive. Positivity can only get you so far.. Heck posivity has so many times been someone's downfall.. I am slightly hopeful and determined..and I think of good things.. But I don't need to be fully happy go lucky, positivity, live laugh love.. Those things are stupid.. But hey, so am I!

The thoughts flashed in my head, an uneasy, heavy feeling in my chest. My brain imagining a thousand possibilities, my palms sweating as my breathing began to hitch. Wow so this is really it.. I die here.. This is the end.. A lame, cruel way to go.. And a depressing, disappointing life to live.. One that I lived.

I wanted to so badly squeeze my eyes shut and scream at the top of my lungs.. But heck my anxiety, my paranoia, my panic, it made me freeze in place, be dead silent,and not dare to blink or shut my eyes. Those monsters were right in front of us, scanning us, they just previously roared at us.. They probably were going to eat us.. That's why they bent down and looked at us.. How did I just now think their eyes were cool and mesmerizing?!

That's when they opened their mouths again, not actually to eat us.. But something even crazier...

They.. Spoke. These weird looking scary monster thingys spoke to us.. Well one to be specific.. The biggest scariest one in front..

"We aren't here to hurt you... Not anymore.." He said, his voice very deep and calm. "I am Azemeris. King of the Moon Creepers, otherwise known as Moonzari. I am the most powerful Moonzar, hence why I am their ruler. We inhabit the moon and watch over it. It is our home planet." He began to explain. We all watched in shock and disbelief, staring at each other with wide eyes, and our jaws dropped.

" O-o.. Okay? But then.. How did the first man to step foot on the moon.. Not find you.. How did we all never notice you or find you or anything?!" Vaxivian questioned. "We have been around for millions of years...and the thing is.. We're a part of the moon. We were created from the moon, we were slowly developing from the moondust and about 3 million years ago we were fully developed and created.." he said, we all tried to take in what he was saying, but who could take in what he was saying? It was crazy, unbelievable and sounded like something straight out of a fantasy book..

"We grew with time.. But we were hidden.. Inside the moon.. The moon is not what you see outside. The moon is huge and has layers inside. We came from the core. We lived inside the moon, and we developed useful abilities over time." He continued. "Useful abilities?" I asked. "Oh wait, I'm so sorry for interrupting carry on!" I added panickly, hoping he didn't have a temper like some people I know.

"No, it's fine. I can elaborate. Due to being apart of the moon, living inside it, we developed abilities given to us by the moon. We gained the ability to see.. Earth.. This place.. To hear and observe everything.. And the same goes for all our other neighboring kingdoms. We gained heightened senses, grew tall, strong, and developed unique features, claws, tails, horns, multiple limbs and eyes, all because we simple needed them to live and survive in our home. " He explained. We all slightly calmed down, but I still had the feeling of adrenaline, pounding in my heart, ringing in my ears.

We listened intently, waiting to ask probably a hundred different questions." We learnt everything about your kind and your home, Earth. We watched as your home degraded, tore apart, became miserable, pathetic and lost it's magic and beauty over time. As your kind ruined it."

Well he was right humans were stupid, reckless, selfish, harmful and careless. They took what they saw, they ruined everything and they were probably going to be their own downfall. But these beings.. The Moonzari.. They seem wise, and I mean they've observed everything that's happened on Earth. And well , I think any other species or being is smarter than humans.

"We were happy and content in our home.. Until Plutolias was destroyed.. They blamed it on us, Moonzaria. Then a war was waged. Your kind and your home was the only ones to not be hurt or to know of it... Or so we thougt..All the other kingdoms, planetonials were made to suffer, to fight and they lost everything.. Your kind was to blame! They ruined your home, so they ruined ours! They tried to kill us all! They were the ones who destroyed Plutolias and they ruined everything! They were the cause of all of this! They were selfish, greedy, rotten and had no morals, no sight of how disgusting, ruthless and terrible they were being! They couldn't have happiness because of their selves and so they took away ours and everyones! " He began to raise his voice, an angered growl lingering. His teeth were bared and you could see even though he wasn't human, he felt emotion.. You could see how hurt and angered he was.

Alot of what he said didn't make sense.. But some of it did. I knew humans were terrible.. Just never knew how far they would go.. But we all were still confused and needed more context. "My king.. Calm down. You're making them scared.. Confused. I'll help you explain, oh what would you do with out me to calm you down your royal majesty? " Said a smaller one, who I thought was male, but was actually a female. She was bigger than the other one, but not bigger than Azemeris.

She was elegant, flirty and calm. The opposite of Azemeris. She had a soothing voice and a loving tone when she spoke to Azemeris. She was majestic and honestly when I looked at the Moonzari in front of me.. They actually looked cool, majestic and were uniquely beautiful. I guess now that I know their story, kind of and heard them speak, and know they're not going to hurt me.. They actually grew a little on me.. A little..

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