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War. God's Xena what am I gonna do?

Gabrielle sat in a chair in their living room as she put her face in her hands for a moment. Before sitting back and looking up at the ceiling of their home back in the secret village. Silently a small part of her hoping that Zeus would just throw down a bolt of lightning and just kill her right then. Xena walked over and crouched down in front of her.

We'll figure this out Gabrielle. I promise. And we'll find out who really killed Nevaea.

If this war really happens it could do so much damage to all the Amazon's. Even the ones not involved.

I know and we're gonna do everything we can to stop this. But we still have to be prepared for if it dose to come to that.

I know.

Gabrielle sighed.

I still have to tell the rest of the village about this. Everyone was already nervous about the summit to begin with and now... Damn it!

Gabrielle pounded her fist on the arm of the chair in frustration.


Gabrielle shook her hand from hitting the chair too hard and hurting herself slightly. Xena gave her a small, reassuring smile as she took Gabrielle's hand and kissed it as she held it in hers.

We'll get through this. All of us. The people out there trust you as their queen and friend. You can do this Gabrielle and I'll be right beside you no matter what.

Gabrielle took a deep breath as she mentally prepared herself as she and Xena stood up and went to the front door. Gabrielle stood there for a moment as she entered her "queen" mode. Knowing that she was going to have to put on a confident and brave front in front of the others. She knew that now wasn't the time to let her emotions get the better of her. As much as she just wanted to scream and cry out of anger, frustration and fear over everything that was happening so quickly that she hadn't even really had much time to process everything. But Gabrielle made a mental note that there would be time for all that later. Now the people that supported her still needed their leader and Gabrielle was determined to do anything she could to live up to that loyalty and not let them down. Not when there was so much on the line.


Xena's voice pulled Gabrielle from her thoughts.


I asked if you're ready to go out there.

As ready as I'll ever be.

Xena put her hand on Gabrielle's arm for a moment showing her support as she opened the front door and let Gabrielle walk outside ahead of her. The two made their way to the hall building in the village where everyone had already gathered. Xena had the others who had come with them to the summit get everyone together for the news of what was going to be happening. As Xena held open the door and let Gabrielle enter first, Gabrielle stepped inside and instantly felt her stomach churn as everyone turned to look at her and bowed to a knee. As much as she hated that, Gabrielle had been told that Ephiny and the others told the village that this was an official meeting that the queen was holding. And if there was one thing amazon culture was known for it was the traditions and rituals that they followed religiously. Gabrielle knew that this was just something that she had to deal with. Especially when it came to important ceremonies and takeing official acts as queen. Plus Gabrielle had far more important things on her mind at the moment to pay attention to the usual discomfort she had for being bowed to. As she walked passed everyone, to the front of the room Xena walked around the outside and stood beside the throne like chair that was waiting for Gabrielle. Once she got to the front, Gabrielle turned around to face everyone as Ephiny took her place on the opposite side of the throne. Since she acted as interim queen when Gabrielle was away from the Amazon's. And because Gabrielle knew that she could come to her for anything that she needed to know about being queen. This wasn't only due to her status. But because Ephiny was also a very good friend. So it was an obvious choice that Gabrielle would pick Ephiny to stand by her side for things like this. Once Gabrielle sat down everyone got up from their bowing positions and sat down as well. Gabrielle cleared her throat as she looked out at everyone before her waiting for their queen to speak. After taking a moment to gather her thoughts, Gabrielle began.