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Gabrielle and Xena stood inside the large tent with a number of high raking Amazon's. Including the council members Luna and Gianna who were among Gabrielle's supporters. Gabrielle wasn't quite sure what to say. Battle and strategy wasn't exactly her strong suit. And she certainly didn't know how to win a war.

(Thinking to herself) What am I supposed to do or say here? They're all just sitting there waiting on me to make a move. Come on Gabrielle think. There's too much on the line to panic now. But what do I do?

Xena knew that Gabrielle wasn't very skilled in this sort of thing. Sure she was smart and could talk her way out of just about anything. But battle strategy and fighting just weren't where her talents layed. Xena could tell that Gabrielle was trying to figure out what to say in this situation. As everyone looked at her, Gabrielle spoke as she tried to think of what she should do. All the while doing her best hide just how uncomfortable and terrified she really was about the whole ordeal that she and her allies now found themselves in.

First I'd like to thank you for your support with this and know that I don't take any of what happening lightly. You have my word that I want to end this as quickly and as painless as possible.

That's what we want too my queen.

The rest of the group agreed. One of the women gave Gabrielle the details of what they knew about the enemy forces.

Based on intel, the first wave of their army is riding towards our western front. We also have word that it's possible for a frontal assault as well.

Do we know how big their army is as a whole?

We don't have the full numbers. But it doesn't look good. They out number us at least two to one. They possibly could have up to three times our fighter's.

How do they have so many? Are there really that many people who think I'm responsible for what happened?

Everyone has their own reasons for fighting my queen. Some that may not even have anything to do with the secret village, Nevaea's murder or the sacred trees destruction.

You know how fast anger and hated can spread Gabrielle.

True. Unfortunately we've seen it far too many times already.

Well that's what we're facing here. I'll admit that the odds aren't in our favor, but we stand with you my queen no matter what.

Yes. We await your command.

Gabrielle quickly looked around as she tried to think of what to do. Xena put her hand on Gabrielle's shoulder as Gabrielle looked at her for a moment and then knew exactly what she was going to do.

Yes well I find that in life it's good to have those around you who may have strengths in areas where you might be lacking. Or those who you can enhance your knowledge of things. Which is why while battle strategy isn't something I excel at I do know a brilliant strategist and fighter who I know can lead us to victory. And we have her right here.

The other women in the tent looked at one another for a moment as Gabrielle continued.


Everyone looked at Xena who stepped forward.

From this point on, everything that you want to discuss about this war you can tell either myself or Xena.

The other women agreed to Gabrielle's wishes to have Xena second in command. A number of them were familiar with Xena's abilities on the battlefield and knew just how useful she would be in winning the war. So after Xena took charge of the meeting, everyone but Gabrielle and Xena left to prepare to head into the fight.