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Gabrielle struggled against Alanis as she was dragged off to a secluded area away from everyone that was still fighting.

Damn it quit squirming you little bitch. Aaa!

Alanis Angrly shoved Gabrielle to the ground as she looked at her hand.

(Angry tone) Did you seriously just bite me?! You really are just a petulant child!

Gabrielle glared up at her as she stood up.

(Angry tone) I'm the Amazon queen and don't you forget it.

Not for much longer. Especially since you don't have that bodyguard of yours with you.

(Angry tone) Xena's not my bodyguard. And who said that I needed her to fight my battles anyway?

(Sinister tone) I guess we'll find out won't we?

Alanis drew two large daggers and held them with the blades pointing down. As she crouched slightly and locked on to Gabrielle. The look in Alanis's eyes reminded Gabrielle of a wild animal stalking its prey. Gabrielle tightened the grip on her staff, knowing that she was going up against a highly skilled fighter. But she wasn't going to back down now. Not after everything that her supporters had already sacrificed. Alanis sneered as she saw that Gabrielle wasn't backing down from the fight.

(Sinister tone) It looks like someone has some guts after all. But no matter, l think it's finally time for your resignation as queen.

As soon as Alanis finished speaking she lunged at Gabrielle, who just barely got out of the way of her attack.

(Thinking to herself) She's fast.

Alanis quickly spun and lept up as she swung her dagger in the same direction. Gabrielle felt the breeze from the movement with the blade just missing her face as she jumped back.

(Thinking to herself) Real fast. Damn I might be in trouble here.

Alanis came at Gabrielle again. This time quickly flipping her blade up and stabbing at her. Gabrielle moved to the side just enough for the attack to barely miss again. She then swung her staff and Alanis ducked easily and drove her elbow into Gabrielle's stomach. Gabrielle groaned as she staggered back holding her midsection and dropped to a knee.

(Thinking to herself) Why did that one hit hurt so much?

Alanis smiled evilly at Gabrielle.

(Condicending tone) What's the matter? Having second thoughts about not needing anyone to come save you?

Gabrielle stood back up and prepared to keep going.

No. You just took me a little by surprise is all.

Gabrielle held her staff ready once more.

Oh you haven't seen anything yet.

Alanis jumped at Gabrielle who held out her staff in a defensive stance. The blades hit the staff as Alanis landed.  As the Amazon pushed, Gabrielle was forced to put one foot back to stop herself from being shoved to the ground. Barely able to hold her off much longer, Gabrielle quickly side stepped and pushed Alanis a little forward. Alanis easily regained her balance and turned back to face Gabrielle, receiving a hard smack in the face with a staff. Alanis grinned at Gabrielle.

Was that supposed to hurt?

I was definitely hoping it would.

Gabrielle began slowly backing away after seeing that her strike seemed to have no effect on Alanis at all.

You mean like this?

Before Gabrielle could do anything Alanis punched Gabrielle in her cheek. It took everything Gabrielle had to not go down from that hit. The pain felt as though her cheek bone had been broken. It actually would've surprised Gabrielle if it wasn't. She looked at Alanis who stood there.

Huh I'm shocked that you're still standing after that. I'm almost impressed... almost.

Alanis then drove her fist into Gabrielle's stomach. Gabrielle dropped to the ground, unable to make a sound as all the air was driven from her body with that hit.

(Thinking to herself) Can't, breathe. God's that really hurt.

After a few terrifying moments Gabrielle was able to catch her breath. She gasped her air as she looked up at Alanis.

(Thinking to herself) No normal person is this strong or fast. Something's not right here. I don't stand a chance like this. What do I do? If I don't figure out something fast, I'm dead.

Xena yelled as she threw another punch at Nova. The Amazon blocked and kicked. Xena dodged and came back with a kick of her own. Nova caught Xena's foot. But Xena just jumped up with her other leg and planted her boot right in the middle of the Amazon's chest. She pushed off and flipped backwards. Landing back on her feet as Nova took a few steps back. Xena wasted no time and charged back at Nova as she swung her sword. Nova blocked with her spear and pushed Xena back. She then drove her spear forward as Xena turned her blade and deflected the hit upwards.  Nova went with the motion and drove the handle of her weapon into Xena's midsection. Causing Xena to back off slightly as the Amazon came back in with her blade aimed right at her. Reacting quickly, Xena side stepped, grabbed the spear just under the blade and brought up her knee, breaking the head off the weapon. Nova hastily jumped back, putting some distance between herself and Xena as she threw down the rest of the broken spear. Both women were breathing heavily from their battle as they began to slowly circle each other. As Xena took in the environment around her, assessing how to continue. She noticed something that she did not like one bit. Gabrielle was now no where in sight. And while Gabrielle had improved her fighting skills as of late, with a whole army of vengeful Amazon's out for her blood, Xena knew that Gabrielle was in serious danger if she was caught off guard by a group of enemies. Or even someone like the other member of the Amazonian Council.

(Thinking to herself) Damn I need to finish this and find Gabrielle.

Nova noticed that Xena was momentarily distracted and took the opportunity to strike. She lunged at Xena and faked going for a swing and at the last moment dropped down and swept Xena's legs from under her. Xena landed hard on her back as Nova stood over her with the broken spear head in her hand that she had grabbed.

This is the end of you Xena. I hope you rot in Tartarus for eternity. I'll be sure to send Gabrielle there too when I'm done.

Nova then pulled her arm back and drove the spear head down towards Xena. A moment later Xena yelled in pain as blood began to pool on the ground under them as the world went dark.