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The air was filled with yells and the sounds of weapons clashing as the battle had gotten underway some time ago. Everyone on the battlefield was spread out as the  women allied with Gabrielle fought off the enemy Amazon's. Xena yelled as she blocked an incoming spear strike with her sword and threw out her chakrum at another enemy Amazon coming her way. It sliced the woman's leg and she went down. Xena shoved the Amazon on her away as she caught her chakrum coming back and cut down the woman in front of her. She back flipped as she avoided another Amazon charging at her. Xena then spun as she kicked the weapon out of her attackers hand. Knocking up into the air and catching it as the weapon fell back to the earth. Undeterred the Amazon grabbed a dagger from her boot and lunged at Xena. Xena wasted no time and thrust her sword forward. The Amazon used her dagger to push Xena's blade away from hitting her as her dagger slid up the sword and came right for Xena. Xena quickly side stepped the strike and brought her own blade into an upwards swing, slicing the woman's back as she passed her. The Amazon fell as another enemy came at Xena. Meanwhile a few feet away, Gabrielle was fighting off her own opponent. She swept at the enemy Amazon's legs with her staff. The woman easily jumped over it and after landing used her own sword to swing down at Gabrielle. Gabrielle dodged, getting behind her and swung at the Amazon. The woman quickly brought her sword up behind her and blocked the hit. She pushed Gabrielle back as she turned to face her and took another swipe at Gabrielle. Gabrielle held up her staff as she blocked the hit. The enemy Amazon then kicked Gabrielle in her stomach. As Gabrielle was forced to drop her guard for a moment the enemy then swung her sword again. Gabrielle just managed to avoid the hit. But got hit with a well placed elbow into her side, causing Gabrielle to groan as she dropped the ground. She heard the enemy yell as she rolled to her back to see the woman lunging at her with her blade ready. Gabrielle waited until her opponent was just about to strike and put up both her feet into the woman's stomach and pushed up as the enemies own momentum help carry her up and over Gabrielle. As she landed on the ground above Gabrielle, Gabrielle quickly stood and turned around. Just as the enemy Amazon was getting up, the woman felt a hard shot to her head as Gabrielle whacked the Amazon with her staff. Gabrielle huffed as the enemy Amazon dropped unconscious.

Behind you Gabrielle.

Hearing Xena's warning, Gabrielle moved as Xena jumped forward and burried her sword into an enemy that was about to hit Gabrielle from behind.


The two moved to stand back to back as they continued to fight. Aways off Clover yelled as she threw a punch and knocked out an enemy Amazon as her fist cracked against the other woman's jaw. Hearing an enemy coming up behind her, Clover sent her foot back and kicked out the enemy Amazon's knee. Making her drop to the dirt as she got another hard kick to the side of her head and blacked out. Clover then let her battle axe fly into the chest of another enemy heading her way  and went off to retrieve her weapon. Meanwhile Kai jumped at an enemy and sunk her dagger into the woman's stomach as they both went down from Kai's momentum. She pulled out her blade as she looked over to see another enemy Amazon right on her. The woman stabbed at Kai with her spear. Unable to completely dodge, the spear head cut Kai's forearm, leaving a good sized gash. Kai's short fuse was already lit and that strike really got her blood boiling. She saw red as she lunged forward, grabbing the enemy Amazon by the throat and preceded to beat the living daylights out of the woman as she rained down her fists until she was a bloodied, unconscious mess. Once done Kai set her sights on a couple of enemies nearby and still fuming, ran right at them with an angry yell. The battle waged on as Skyla ducked out of the way of an enemy Amazon's blade as she rolled forward and snatched up a fallen bow and arrow as still kneeling, she quickly turned as she drew back the bowstring and fired. The arrow flew and hit it's mark, dead center in the enemy's chest. The woman fell back dead as Skyla grabbed a few more arrows off the ground and stood up. She held the arrows between her teeth as she ran and fired at the enemy. Dropping them one by one as she came across them.