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Alanis stood over Xena who had been driven to her knees. While Gabrielle still layed unmoving a ways behind Xena. Ares was still sitting on a rock watching the fight play out. And enjoying every second of it. All as the war continued to be waged around them. Xena was too beaten up and Alanis was just too powerful for Xena to do anything. It seemed that this time Ares might have actually won. And the god clearly knew it.

Just say the the word Xena and I can still save you before it's too late.

I'd rather be killed by this monster you've created then have anything to do with you.

Xena struggled back to her feet as Alanis sneered at her.

I'm a monster? That's rich coming from you.

I know full well what I once was. I don't deny it. But at least I didn't let some overrated god send me down that road.

(Irritated tone) Who are you calling overrated?

The only one who lead us here is Gabrielle when she killed Nevaea.

Xena glanced over at Ares.

No it was Ares. He did it to start a whole war just to get rid of one person? Gabrielle.

The god stood up as Alanis looked at him.

You don't seriously believe that?

Of course not.

Alanis looked back at Xena.

What's wrong Ares I thought you'd want to take credit for this war. Though it is pretty damn embarrassing that you had to resort to such underhanded tactics just for something that should be simple for you. Maybe you're losing your touch.

Ares scowled.

(Angry tone) I'm not losing anything.

You could've fooled me.

I'm done listening to this. I'm just going to kill you now.

Alanis ran at Xena. Xena quickly dodged and looked at Ares who was clearly angerd by what Xena had said. She smirked as she got an idea.

What you're just gonna stand there Ares? You can't even bother to face me yourself. Just like you couldn't get rid of Gabrielle on your own either. My how the great god of war has fallen.

Xena just barely dodged a hit from Alanis as she continued to taunt Ares. All the while the god grew more angry with Xena's comments.

(Angry tone) I don't need anyone to do my bidding.

Xena kicked Alanis back as she spoke.

Oh yeah. Then prove it.

Xena staggered back as Alanis landed a glancing blow.

(Angry tone) I don't have to prove anything to you Xena.

Xena looked at the expression on Ares face and knew that she had gotten him.

If you say so. After all my option of you really can't get much lower. But it would be interesting to see how all your followers and the other gods would think of this little scheme.

Xena continued to barely dodge Alanis. Fortunately it seemed that she was slightly distracted by the conversation as well.

(Angry tone) It was a good plan and you know it. You don't know anything about my followers and I don't care about what my siblings think.

Ooo sounds like I hit a sore subject. You know now that I think of it back in my old days I always thought that your sister Athena was far better at the whole war thing.

"THE PRINCESS & THE QUEEN" series SCROLL II:THE GREAT CAMPAIGN WITHIN THE DOMAINOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant