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With Gabrielle severely injured and unconscious, an infuriated Xena stood between her and Alanis. The Amazon was unintimidated by Xena as she stepped forward.

It looks like I get to see the great Xena in action. Too bad even you're no longer a match for me. So now I get to kill both the traitor queen and the former warlord turned protective pet.

Xena said nothing. She was done talking and ridiculous insults like that had no impact on what she was already planning on doing to Alanis. And then to Ares next. Xena held her sword and with a yell jumped towards Alanis and swung her blade. Alanis moved out of the way and Xena quickly turned back towards her.

So we're starting now? Fine, get ready for your one way trip to Tartarus Xena.

Xena ran in again. Alanis moved and punched Xena in her ribs. Xena backed off and held her side.

(Thinking to herself) Damn she really is strong. I have to be careful here.

Alanis ran at Xena. This time Xena dodged and threw her own punch. She connected with Alanis's jaw. The Amazon smirked as she looked at Xena.

Well at least I actually felt that one. So you're doing better than your little queen over there.

Alanis swung at Xena who ducked and followed up with a kick. The Amazon caught Xena's boot. She then swept Xena's other leg from under her and Xena fell to her back. Wasting no time, Xena kicked Alanis back with her free foot and sprung back upright. But Alanis was right back on her and drove her fist into Xena's face. The hit stunned her but Xena quickly shook it off and came back with a swing of her sword. Alanis dodged and kicked Xena's hand. Knocking the sword out of her grasp. She followed up with an elbow strike to Xena's chest. Xena was knocked back as she felt her body taking damage from each of the Amazon's hits. She knew that she was going to have to do something to avoid taking too many more hits like that or she wouldn't last long like this. Alanis came back at Xena. Xena moved out of the way and kicked the Amazon in her back. Alanis staggered forward as Xena ran up and grabbed her from behind. Xena jumped up and planted both her feet into the woman's back. They both went down and Xena wrapped her arm around Alanis's throat and squeezed. Alanis began driving her elbow into Xena's side over and over. Finally Xena was forced to loosen her hold and the Amazon slipped her hand between her neck and Xena's arm, prying the hold off. Alanis held Xena's arms as she got back up with Xena still clinging to her back. Alanis yelled as she gripped Xena's arm tighter and tossed Xena over her shoulder and to the ground in front of her. She then kicked Xena before she could get up and sent her a few feet away. Xena graoned in pain as she got up. Alanis rushed after her and threw a punch. Xena ducked and threw a series of quick punches into Alanis's midsection and finished up with an uppercut to her jaw. The Amazon stepped back for a moment. She then came right back with a powerful punch of her own and launched Xena through the air again. Xena landed hard but rolled to a knee as she tried to catch her breath.  She wiped the blood from her mouth as she got up.

(Sarcasm) Having fun yet?

Xena glared over to see Ares standing a few feet away from her and turned her attention back to Alanis.

(Angry tone) Fuck off Ares.

(Sarcasm) Geeze you kiss your mother with that mouth?

Xena ignored him as the god noticed Gabrielle. He grinned at the sight of Gabrielle's beaten and battered body just laying there. He then walked over to a nearby rock and sat down. Xena glared at him.

Oh by all means continue. I'm curious to see how this turns out.

Xena sneered at him as Alanis came at her.

(Angry tone) You're too distracted warrior princess.

Alanis landed a hard hit and knocked Xena back. Xena rolled and got back up. Alanis smirked seeing that Xena was getting up slower and slower each time.

(Condicending tone) What's wrong is the great Xena out matched?
It'll be an honor to be the one to finally rid the world of your plague once and for all.

Xena knew that she couldn't hold out like this for much longer. She had to find a way to stop Alanis, but how? As the fighting continued Xena could hear Ares getting a kick out of watching the battle. She growled to herself as she thought of how Ares was the one behind everything that was happening. She was going to make him pay for it all, somehow. But first she had to find a way to deal with Alanis. She was even more powerful than Xena had originally thought. Whatever power Ares had given her was certainly nothing to take lightly. Xena yelled in pain as Alanis landed a powerful strike and caused Xena to drop to her hands and knees.

How disappointing. I thought I'd get more of a fight from you. Oh well I guess alot of what I've heard of you were just stories after all.

Alanis stood over Xena as Xena gritted her teeth in pain and anger while glaring up at her.

I guess I'll kill you first and then I'll finish off that poor excuse for a queen and be done with this mess once and for all.