Chapter Ten: The Date 1

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Rose's POV; Monday night,

"I will storm the castle, leaving the guards to the rebels. If the guards even put up a fight," I said, brushing my hair. "I doubt they will. How do you plan on dealing with Anna? Traditionally you'd have to kill her for the throne," Beth said, digging through her closet. "I know. But I can't do that, she is my sister after all. However, I will make her pay for what she's done. I'll force her to give up the throne. She knows I'm much stronger than her, and I would win in any fight against her," I sighed. I really don't want to hurt my sister, but I must do what I must do. What she has been doing is wrong, and I must protect my people. And with Skye, she'd be too reckless. Anna would want to suck her dry. I can't have that.

Becoming Queen again is the best, yet scariest thing to do. It's the best because I can stop the cruel treatment Anna has been giving her own kind. And because I feel that I'll be able to provide more protection for Skye. But that's what also scares me. I don't know how they will react when they find out that I'm mated to a human. But then I can give her everything she has ever dreamed of. She deserves it after all. My poor little human has been through so much in such little time. She has lived out nightmares, seen the unthinkable, and she has had to do unspeakable things just to survive.

She doesn't need to say anything for me to know that she's been through a lot. It shows in her everyday life. She's always checking her surroundings, always alert. She has to make sure the bedroom door is locked before climbing into bed every night. Whenever Zach is around her, and she has a drink, she immediately covers the top of the cup with her hand. And back at her mother's (Linda) she had pocket knives in every corner of her room. 15 pocket knives to be exact, which she packed up and brought here. Only Beth and I know that she has them here. For some reason, it didn't feel right to tell Zach about them.

I wonder how Skye will adjust to the changes in her life. Her whole life she was surrounded by humans, and now she's surrounded by vampires. I will help her, care for her and protect her. And I hope that she feels safe and comfortable enough with me. Even though her actions have shown me that she's very comfortable with me. Her and her teasing, pleading, and her lips. The way she cuddles into me every night. I still have the pink rose she gave me. It's in a vase with water on the nightstand. "Two options, black pants with a black button up or a green dress. These are the only things that will fit you," Beth said, holding up my two options. I'm not really a dress kind of gal. "Suit," I said, grabbing it and heading to the bathroom.

"I'll pack up the food and drinks," Beth said walking to the kitchen. I put on the pants and top, adjusting them to my liking. Satisfied with my clothes, I put my hair up into a bun, tucking some loose strands behind my ears. I took one last look at my reflection and left the bathroom. Walking into the kitchen, I saw Beth putting a bottle of red wine into a bag. I thought I smelled steak, but I didn't see any. "I'll be right back, again," Beth said, walking over to the front door with the bag. "I can take that while Skye and I leave," I suggested. "No. This is your guy's first date. It will be a memorable one, so it needs to be perfect," Beth said, closing the door behind her. I couldn't help but laugh a little. Beth was determined to make this a perfect date. I'm really lucky to have her as a friend.

"So how long will you be gone?" Zach asked out of the blue. He doesn't normally talk to me about these types of things. He just leaves those conversations to Beth and I, not wanting any part of it. "I'm not sure. It won't be long though," I replied cautiously. He just nodded his head, staring at the floor. "Why do you ask?" I pried. "Oh um-i was just wondering how long I-um..i would have to deal with a sad and worried Skye," Zach stuttered. Lies. He's hiding something, or is afraid of something. I started walking towards him to force the real answer out of him. Only to be stopped by her voice.

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