🦄Feeling Strange🦄

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Dear diary,

I haven't written in awhile, but ever since I graduated I have started feeling strange. I stay hungry. Like it feels like my stomach is eating my stomach.

Then sometimes I get very itchy and nothing helps. I've tried using itching creams etc. Nothing seems to be working.

Then some days it feels like my skin is crawling or like it's growing or something. My sister called and I threw my phone across the room out of anger. She had the nerves to ask if I've finally got into a relationship with Ace. We are best friends and she knows that.

My mom came into the room to see what happened and she calmed me down. Then the next day I got into an argument with my mom because she drank the last of my favorite juice. I've never been that mad about juice.

This has been going on for a few weeks now. I feel like I'm losing my mind. I don't feel comfortable talking to my mom because she may send me to the crazy house. Uncle Billy keeps asking me if everything is ok. But how do you say my body feels like its trying to morph or something. He'll help my mom lock me away.


Apani's Pov

Jake and Jay came over today. We are going to hang out until later. My mom is cooking a big dinner tonight. So Uncle Billy is going to come over for dinner later. So me and Jay went to the store to get snacks and stuff for our hang out day.

We got everything we needed. Then we went to the register to check out. The cashier was like, hey aren't you Paul's girlfriend?  I looked up and asked, "why?" I was already in defense mode because its a reason for her to ask this question. She says, "because you are always around him and he won't date anybody." So I told her no, maybe he doesn't like anybody or think they should be his girlfriend.

I shrugged my shoulders and finished putting my things on the conveyor belt. Then this stupid skank raises her voice to yell, that she is "better than me." I said what the fuck? She says you aren't all that I grabbed her by her throat so quickly she lost her breath. I snatched her across the register and started hitting her. Who the fuck does she think she is talking to?

Jay was trying to get me off of her. But she couldn't. Ace and Jared came out of nowhere and got me out of the store. I told them what happened and said, her yelling at me snapped something inside of me. I get mad and I'll put a bitch in her place quick, but this felt different. Like she was challenging me. Ace was like well you seem calm now. So we'll catch you later. I said ok and hugged him and waved bye to Jared.

Jay paid for the stuff and ran out to the car. By the time she got to the car, I had calmed all the way down. Jay hopped in the driver's seat and we rode back to my house. The ride was a comfortable silence all the way back.

Once inside we decided to watch movies instead of playing games. Jake was there waiting in the living room. We got everything set up and sat down. There's this loud obnoxious engine with atrocious farting sounds outside. Jake gets a big ass Cheshire cat smile on his face and runs to the door.

Then he comes back with Bella Swan. So me and Jay said at the same time, "Jake she wasnt invited." This is our day. This punk has the nerves to say, "but she's my friend and I invited her." So I said look around saying "Do you see any our friends here?" This dummy says well, "why can't you guys just try to include her?" Like seriously the fuck. She probably invited herself when he told her what we were doing. She really thinks that she is better than everyone. Jake's stupid ass inflates her damn ego.

So I snapped and said, "GET OUT" and take her with you. She is rude and she always tries to take over everything since we were younger. You act like a little puppy around her and do whatever she says. So he tells her let's go and leaves with her. He is so stupid its ridiculous. Jay and I look at each other and both roll our eyes shaking our heads.

My mom comes in and we tell her what happened and she says ok. Then she leaves the living room. Jay tells me that this is why she comes to my house so much now. She said Quil and Embry started smothering her because of Jake. She likes them but they can be annoying. Evidently, every time she comes over he's up her ass and ignores them.

I kind of figured it was a reason because she always says don't come over I'm coming over there. Poor uncle Billy, that means Embry and Quil are aggravating him when they come over. After we talked we decided to watch a movie and eat our snacks.

I noticed that Jada eats as much as me now and she is so much smaller. Mr. Clearwater drops uncle Billy off right after the movie is over. He asks, what happened with Jake? So we told him exactly what happened.

Apparently, Jake went home and told him that we were being rude and kicked them out for nothing. He said he doesn't see why we can't be friends with Bella. Because people can change. Uncle Billy just sighs and says I don't understand how he doesn't see the truth. I stated that I don't know either because nothing has changed about her. Jada then says that in his mind she can do no wrong.

Soon mom was letting us know that dinner was ready. Jake came in just as we were all sitting down. We all ate in silence until uncle Billy told some jokes to break the tension in the room. After dinner Jay decided to spend the night and uncle Billy and Jake left to go home.

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