🦄Chasing The Red Head🦄

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Apani's Pov

Jare apologized to me about the whole jealousy issue. It took him damn near three weeks to do it though. I accepted his apology, but I told him it will be hard for me to forget how he handled everything.

So we are back on talking terms. I still love him, but I just still feel some kind of way about him getting that jealous and mad. Its all complicated now.

I don't really believe his apology is completely sincere either. I feel like he thought I would come to him first for some reason. Like he wanted me to apologize to him. Its just a feeling.

Ace and Jare talk, but they aren't as close anymore. They don't hangout outside of pack stuff either. Yesterday I went to Ace and asked him about it. I told him I hope its not my fault their friendship isn't the same. He told me that its not my fault at all.

Basically, he feels like Jare has some kind of hidden issue with him. He said Jare always made alot jokes about him being a manwhore. So he feels like that's what all of this is coming from. I told Ace that we were friends before he even met Jare so its fucked up regardless.


Everyone has been tired and stressed the fuck out. This red headed leech keeps coming back after we chase her off. Last time we gave chase on the reservation I burned that bitch twice. She doesn't come close to the tribe lands now.

Although we had to extend our patrol area out further ever since the Cullen leeches left. They just keep giving more reasons to fucking hate them.

We patrol with two on the reservation and five in forks. It's a reason this bitch keeps coming back I can feel it.


Jare and I have been talking to Leah on the phone more lately. We haven't had time to really see her. She came over and damn near broke the door down this morning.

Paul opened the door for her. Leah came into the room and threw cold water on Jare and me. We both jumped and fell out of the bed.

I looked up and she was angry as shit. So, I said good morning baby. She yelled don't good morning baby me. I covered my ears.

Leah said why are you both pushing me away. Jare jumped up quicker than me and pulled her into a hug. We sat down on the bed and told her about the red headed leech.

She calmed down but was still pissed off. She said from now on tell her because she started feeling like we didn't want her. We both kissed her and said we definitely, want you.

She finally really looked at us and said we both looked like shit. So, I said why thank you ma'am and laid back down on the bed. Jare just shook his head at her smiling. Leah told us to go back to sleep and she'll go cook. I was out like a light in no time.


Jay took over as alpha fully 2 weeks ago. She was furious at Sam because he was making outrageous alpha commands. She had to keep overruling them.

The last command Sam made is what really made Jay take over. He alpha commanded Jare to 12hr patrol shifts every day. He also changed him to night patrol.

So, he was missing school. After the 3rd day of not seeing Jare or talking to him is what made me go to his house. He hadn't responded to any of Leah's or my texts and phone calls either. His mom let me in. He was sleep on the couch with bags under his eyes, and he was out. I couldn't even wake him up.

So I went to Uncle Billy's house to talk to Jay once school was over. I asked her why did Jare look like shit? And I told her I couldn't wake him up either. She didn't know what I was talking about. So, Ace said he was there when Sam Alpha commanded him to 12hr patrol shifts at night.

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