🦄Pure Craziness🦄

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Its been about 2 weeks since the meeting with the Cullens. The gargoyle and harpy came back to us to show Sunny and I everything that happened before we sent them back to the underworld.

It was hilarious to watch. We showed it to everyone else as well. This made Victoria feel a little better. Also its helping put our plan to divide their coven up and end them into motion perfectly.

Edward got into two car wrecks because the gargoyle would randomly appear while he was driving. So now he has lost two cars. They don't let him drive anymore.

He made the school suspend him because he was trying to attack the gargoyle, but it looked like he was trying to attack his classmates. The whole school is terrified of him.

His coven thought he was losing his shit. They couldn't see the gargoyle. So when he was running around the forest yelling just leave me alone. The leader said that he may have to contact the Volturi if he keeps this up. He's becoming a danger to himself and others. Now that the gargoyle is gone they don't take him seriously.

They think he is pretending to be fine so they won't contact the Volturi. I did research to find out what that was. They are the kings of the cold ones. I let everyone know about what I found out.

Then Victoria told us what she learned about them over the years. Dario said that he will email the information he has on them and other leaders, once he gets home. He said that it's good to know who's who in the supernatural world.

The harpy had Bella doing crazier shit than when the Cullens left. The first thing the harpy did was chase her around the school. Bella was screaming running down the hallway flailing her arms around saying get it off, get it off.

She was falling and getting up and continuing to run yelling. All her friends think that she is seriously bat shit crazy now. They told her dad they thought she would be better now that her "precious" Cullens are back.

Next the harpy took some things out of Bella's grocery cart in the store and started flying around. So Bella ran behind her trying to get it back. By the time she got the stuff they were outside.

So it looked like she made a scene running around in the grocery store just so she could steal. Bella got arrested, but of course Charlie bailed her out of jail. He couldn't even defend her because they showed him the security footage. So he's trying to get her community service so she doesn't have to do jail time.

Then she drove her ugly ass truck into the back of a dump truck trying to hit the harpy. She did it until the dump truck pulled over. He called 911 because she kept backing up and ramming into it even after he parked.

Bella's dad had her committed to the hospital Psych ward for observation.

Charlie called uncle Billy and told him everything. He told him that they didn't find anything mentally wrong with her but because of her actions they recommended a psychiatrist to him. He said Charlie and Renee are using the doctor's statement to try and get power of attorney and legal guardianship over Bella.


Third person

Aiyanna, La'ryan, and Su'Toya asked Rachel and Rebecca and few of their other friends to pack their things and ship it to them. Their friends agreed to do it.

So they sent them money to pay for the shipping. They all lived in the dorms so they didn't have any furniture. It was mainly clothes, pictures, and things like that. Yani and Rye didn't want to risk going back, being new shifters.

Sunny decided she was staying because Apani is her mate and she made a family here with them. This made Apani feel happy and accepted on so many levels.

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