🦄Sharing Alpha🦄

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Apani's Pov

Sam came back from the meeting with the leeches annoyed. Ace and Jare were out doing patrol. They weren't gone that long either. Probably only about 10 minutes. Sam thinks they were trying to see how many wolves they have in their pack.

I agree because there was no other reason for that meeting. Sam said they had already went over the treaty details when they first came back to Forks.

That was before I shifted. Them nosey ass leeches.

And thats why they don't know about me or how many wolves there are. I'm glad because this seems fucking suspicious to me. Like their planning some shit.

Also they won't find out about us having powers either. With the mind rapist not being able to see or hear their thoughts. That creepy fucking bastard.

Sam said that they had shocked faces. He also said that they made it obvious they were being nosey. Because the creep said he's not picking up anything. That's fucking manipulative. To pretend you need a meeting to try and get information.

I'm glad I came up with that idea to unlock with meditation. Uncle Billy said that the wolves are bigger than they were back then too. So they were scared when they saw Sam. Still doesn't justify being manipulative assholes. And trying to check out the competition. Well I'm definitely annoyed now.

I'm happy I started using the elements when we train. Even before I shared it with them. Hmm, I guess everything will be shocking to them then. So they better not try anything.

Now Sam wants everyone practicing on elemental abilities even when we don't have training. I do it anyways. So I definitely think its a good idea. He's going to tell every new wolf about it as well.


Uncle Billy called and told Sam to watch out for Embry and Jay. He said Tiffany came to him saying that she doesn't know what to do with Embry because he keeps snapping on her.

Apparently he's showing shifting signs but shouldn't be. So Sam told Jare and Ace to watch them in school. They told us that Embry gets angry really fast and he used to be real quiet in school.

Also he got in two fights this week. Jay's temper is worse than Embry's though. She's been getting detention for snapping at teachers. She only got in one fight with a student though.

I thought about Tiffany and all her bullshit growing up. I completely understand why Embry snaps on her. Who the fuck wants the reservation slut as their mom? Especially, when you are quiet and don't bother people.

I remember my mom beating her ass when I was younger. Even though my dad had died there were lots of rumors about her sleeping with my dad. So more than likely thats what they fought about.

Tiffany also acts like she's better than everyone. Like really slut sit down somewhere. She really is an asshole. She won't even tell Embry who his dad is. Thats what started most of their arguments.

Uncle Billy told Sam that Jay has been snapping way more lately at home. Basically, Jake sends her anger into overdrive. He said Jay got mad one night and threw the boiling pasta she was cooking at Jake. He got 2nd degree burns on his chest from it.

Before that happened Charlie and Bella came over for dinner and it didn't go very well.

A big argument broke out which caused Billy and Charlie to argue. Evidently, Bella was making rude comments to Jay and uncle Billy throughout dinner.

For the first time Jake actually told Bella she was being ridiculous. Then Jay told Charlie he needs to teach Bella some manners. He got angry and said that his daughter was fine.

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