Chapter 19

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The Quarians and Geth have only been at war with the Systems Alliance for a little more than 76 hours. Many think it is a lopsided war as the Alliance is vastly superior. However, after Phoenix's broadcasted assault and the apparent reentry of the Orbital Station, public outcry ensued, leading to protests against the current administration. Citizens are calling for the Prime Minister's resignation, but he denies any involvement in the Quarian orbital station attack, claiming that neither he nor the Admiralty authorized such an action. He maintains that the Alliance would never stoop to using orbital platforms as weapons, despite evidence to the contrary. The protests coincide with a growing defection of Alliance ships and soldiers to what's become known as Shepard's War.

On the Turians' homeworld Palaven, the situation is equally perilous to that of the Alliance. The Primarch's continued support of the Alliance creates division among his people, many of whom remember how Commander Shepard fought for them and risked everything for their sake. She is the Human they trust the most. Turians and Krogan alike lost their lives on Palaven, within an Alliance forged by Commander Shepard. A Turian faction has broken off from the Hierarchy, and seven planets have declared their independence from the Hierarchy and the "traitor" Victus. The Hierarchy has realized that these rebels have support from what is now considered public enemy number two, the organization known as Phoenix, and public enemy number one, Commander Jane Shepard. However, this public statement is not met with enthusiasm.

The Salarians, for the most part, have maintained a neutral position in the impending war. However, their status and prestige in the galaxy have greatly diminished since Urdnot Wrex exposed their double-crossing tactics, revealing their attempt to sabotage the cure for the genophage. Consequently, they are cautious not to take sides and are being closely monitored by both parties.

The Asari find themselves in a similar predicament as the Salarians. Once the truth about how they achieved their power and advanced technology became public knowledge, their standing in the galaxy diminished rapidly. However, unlike the Salarians, the Asari people are demanding the Matriarchs take a stand, and the cries are largely in favor of Phoenix and Shepard. The Matriarchs, however, remain hesitant to commit to a side.
"Move!" Shepard barks, commanding three squads of Quarian and Geth troopers as they engage an Alliance unit. Shepard takes cover behind a Geth trooper and orders the advance, encouraging her allies to move without stopping. "Sitrep now!" she demands.

"We're advancing now! Krogan forces are pushing the Alliance back into the breach!" Jack reports.

"Excellent work. Keep the pressure up," Shepard replies, firing her SCAR rifle at the retreating Alliance as she advances with her allied forces. However, she's unaware of a lone sniper in a ruined building who has taken aim at her. The sniper waits and watches as Shepard continues to fight alongside her allies. As the Alliance falls back, the sniper sees an opportunity to take the shot.

As Shepard changes her magazine, a slug slams into her, sending her back a few feet, and she slams into a Geth rocket trooper. Quickly, the Geth pull her out of the line of fire as Shepard remains on the ground while being dragged away. A trail of crimson blood follows her as one of the Quarian marines approaches her.

The marine assesses the situation and sees that the slug hit Shepard's vest just above her heart. Unfortunately, it shattered the ceramic plate and went straight through her, exiting out her back. The marine does what he can to help the hero of the galaxy.

"We need immediate medical evacuation! Commander Shepard is down and critical! I repeat, we need immediate medical evacuation!" the Quarian marine announces urgently over the comms.
48 Hours Earlier

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