The meeting

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(Dahlia POV) (starting off with the oc)

How long have I been floating out here? Looking around at the same blue skies, the same soft white clouds, the same everything since I lost gas. Well, at least the solar pannels are keeping my hover board afloat, otherwise i would definetly be dead. If I'm counting right, I have been stuck on my board for about a week now, floating around in wherever the air currents take me.

I wouldn't be stuck out here in this stupid mess if she-


I sat up and looked around, an unfamiliar sound in this vast space. A ship?! OH please tell me it's a ship, I'm running low on food and if i have to eat another warm stick of cheese I am going to loose it!


The buzzing grows louder, sounding like it's steadily growing closer. I stood up, excitement and hope building in my chest. In the distance, coming through some clouds is a large shadow. Steadily growing bigger...and bigger..and...wait. It's coming right at me and it's not slowing down!

"Oh...OH SHIT!" I yelled and swung my arms and legs, quickly trying to swim myself to the side. What a useful tactic you dummy, you're stuck mid air!

The sound hit me before I felt the front of the ship hit me, this loud painful thump, followed by screaming pain coursing through my every limb. A shriek couldn't even leave my lips, there was no air inside my lungs. The wind whisked me around the front and sent me skittering across the deck, smacking my body into what I assumed to be the captains area? I could hear voices yelling and the ship slowed to a stop, groaning as my body pitifully plopped to the deck.

"uugghh," I groaned into the deck before struggling to sit up. "What idiot hits someone in the middle of..."

My words trailed off as my eyes focused. Is this...some sort of cargo ship. Oh...Oh there's people that a pig? I squinted and rubbed my eyes to make out a brunnette rushing to be in my face.

"ARE YOU OKAY!?" He yelled frantically pushing a bandaid onto my face. "I am so sorry we hit you!! What were you doing floating in the middle of nowhere?!"

"MK!" The pig man yanks the brunette, erm MK, back from me. Shooting me a glare. "We don't know if she's dangerous!!"

" my defense..ya'll hit me." I leaned against the wall hand to my head. The deck won't stop moving under me, it's taking all my energy to just stay upright leaned against this wall.

"Could have been planned!" The pig man crosses his arms grunting.

"C'mon Pigsy!" To my left a girl comes into view, gotta give her credit. Her hair is so cool. "How could anyone possibly stage that?!"

"I dont know! Somehow?!" The pig man, uh Pigsy I guess? rolls his eyes. "We can't be too careful!"

A part of the wall, nope no that's a door, swings open and a huge blue giant with bright red hair hurries out. He spots me in seconds and gasps in horror.

"You're hurt! OH OH here!" Before I could retaliate the man scoops me up and ushers me inside.

I grumbled out protests trying to move but the blue man gently tended to my wounds. I watched him warily as he wrapped up my torso and my arm. He sits me up, propped with a pillow and promptly poured me a cup of tea.

"Here here this should help with that dissorientation," He smiled and sat down on the floor in front of me.

 Grumbling a small thank you I sipped the tea. Scrunching up my face before blinking as everything unfogged, The big blue man watches me worriedly. In the doorway were the three I originally encountered, concern all over their faces. Except for the pigsy guy, he menacingly held what looked like a laddle. A strange man slurps noodles in the corner, there's one more too, but I can't see him very well in the shadows.

" what is this magic?!" I sipped the tea again, shoulders untensing. "Thank you friendly giant man...uh..."

"Sandy!" He nods and twiddles his thumbs. "I am so sorry I hit you! I couldn't see anything through the clouds!!"

I watched this man twiddle his thumbs before lightly smiling.

"It's okay..just...uh you kinda ended up saving me?" I nervously rubbed my neck. "I've been stranded out there for over a week now, no telling how far i've drifted in the currents!"

Sandy stares at me jaw dropped, gently placing a soft blanket over my lap. He goes to say something but the one I couldn't see before moved. The next second, a pair of golden eyes was right in my face. 

Sun Wukong x OC X MACAQUEWhere stories live. Discover now