learning curve

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(Macaque pov)

Ugh, how much longer am I going to have to wait for this woman? The sun rose two hours ago, sure I did just get here a few minutes ago but it's rude to keep me waiting. Why am I even bothering with this? Just to use her to hopefully show Sun who's better? Maybe...or maybe i can use her to-

"Hellooo?" Her voice calls out to the forest as she walks into the shadows. "Shadow monkey man? You here? I swear if you pull some ambush shit!"

A slow smirk spread across my face, finally she's here. I snuck around the shadows, watching her a moment. She's dressed in the same outfit as yesterday, the grey wrap skirt and grey crop top. She's casually pulling up her hair as she looks around, grumbling under her breathe.

"About time you showed up," I whispered into her ear. Earning myself a shriek and nearly getting elbowed in the face. I didnt bother to flinch, if she had hit me i'm sure her arm would have shattered. "It's rude to keep me waiting."

"It's rude to want to meet up so early," She sighed and turns to me once she was done pulling her hair back. "So, how can you help me?"

I didnt waste a second, grabbing her throat and slamming her against a tree. The leaves above rattled, sending the looser ones cascading around us. I watched her gag, eyes open wide, but there wasn't too much surprise. She used the tree to her advantage, curling a leg around my arm sending the two of us collapsing to the ground. I wasn't actually trying, I didn't want to destroy her too early on, but i'll admit that move was smart. She moved to pin me down but i was quicker, elbowing her in her side, shoving her off me before leaping on her. Holding down her arms.

"This is how, I'm going to make you a better fighter." I huffed at her.

She stared up at me, panting and eyes full of anger. Not like i lied to her, I am gonna help. It'll benefit me more then her, but oh well. I got up and stepped back crossing my arms.

"Get up, come at me again." I stood there, smirking away. My smirk really seems to irk her.

She didn't say a single word as she launched upwards, her leg hitting me in the head. I saw it coming but figured I'd give her the satisfaction of hitting me, but i didnt expect it to actually hurt. Finding myself staggering back a bit, touching the sting in my face surprised. 

"I'm not as pathetic as i let you think," Her voice had a growl underneath. 

"Oh really? Prove it then," I threw out a punch.

She dodged it, letting my fist graze her face as she jabbed me in the throat. I gagged but took the chance to use my knee to gut check her, she flinched. To my surprise she didnt stagger back far, instead she used her staggering to grab a tree branch that was right behind her and snapped it at me. It wasn't hard to block, the leaves temporarily blocking my view. 

"Seriously? That was the most pathetic move i've ever seen," once the leaves cleared i realized she was gone. "what the-"

A shout from above, she was on me in seconds, how the fuck did i not sense that one?! She slammed her heels into my shoulders, hard enough causing me to fall to my knees. She grinned, but it fell when i sunk into the shadow. Popping up behind her, kicking her to the side.

"You sneaky little-" I began, but something snatched my waist and yanked me up into the trees.

I squirmed trying to grasp what it was, it feels like a rope? No, on closer inspection its...the drawing of a rope. It took me up and pinned me to the tree trunk, just high enough where the sun hit providing me little shadow to use. She came up not long after, panting a bit and slammed her hand beside my head.

"You're holding back," There's irritation in her eyes now. "You really think I'm that weak?"

"Oh, did that strike a nerve?" I snickered and leaned forward a bit, not much considering the rope held me back a bit. "I can't kill you too soon, how am I gonna see what you can do then?!"

I broke her rope, grabbing her neck and lifting her up a bit. As i did her legs wrapped around me, and a blade pressed to my neck. I paused before laughing.

"You seriously think you can do anything with that?" I squeezed her neck a bit more, in return she pressed the blade to my neck harder.

"n-no," She wheezed. "But i can damage th-that pretty face o-of yours."

In a second she turned the blade to slash at my face. Letting go of her I jerked back to avoid it, watching as only a few strands of my fur gets taken off. looking at her, her own eyes changed. Once more human now more, not? The pupils turned to lighter colored slits. I smashed my fist into her, using more force now, but she returned the favor. the two of us exchanged blows for a bit, before she eventually fell to her knees panting. I too was a bit out of breathe, why the fuck was she so stubborn?

"Nice try," I kneeled down to her and tipped up her face smirking. "You cant win if you keep holding back. I'll let loose when you stop being such a whimp."

"Dick," She wipes some blood from her busted lip smirking. "I'll kick your ass someday."

"You really think so?" I raised my eyebrow summoning a shadow clone of myself. Taking the wet clothe it had and handed it to her. "Maybe when you're less weak and pathetic."

She rolled her eyes taking the clothe pressing it to her lip, she sits down getting more comfortable before staring at me. Just as soon as she relaxed she adjusted and moved closer to me.

"What do you think youre doing?" I growled and leaned away a bit. Waiting for her to try to attack again.

"Oh hold still you paranoid furball," She rolls her eyes and reaches out pressing the clothe to my arm.

I flinched and grabbed her wrist immediatly. She winced but didn't budge, gently dabbing at a good sized cut in my arm. When the hell did she do that?

"I can be pretty sneaky sometimes," She winks and lightly moves my hand away as she takes care of my cut, cleaning it up and using a part of her skirt to tie it up. "There, if you're lucky you'll get a nice scar."

"Tsk," I rolled my eyes and summoned another clone with some bandaids and grabbed her face. "You're lucky you are still breathing."

She made this little hum as I put a bandaid on her face grumbling. I refuse to be owed any debts since she wrapped my arm, plus if she went back looking like she was beaten to a pulp I'm pretty sure sun would hunt me down. 

"Hey," She taps my wrist watching my face. "What's your name?"

"...you dont need to know." I grumbled going to move back.

"Come oonnn," she sighs and this time grabs my wrist. "At least let me know that much? We can save the bonding for later."

"Bonding? What makes you think I'd even consider bonding with someone like you?" Huffing I stood up stepping back. "You better be here on time tomorrow."

Without waiting for her response, I stepped back into the shadows. Leaving one of my clones in her own shadow. 

Sun Wukong x OC X MACAQUEOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz