The conflict

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(Sun POV)

After I had gotten everyone home, MK insisted on staying with me on my mountain for the night. I didnt have the energy to tell him no, so i let him crash on my couch. I quietly watched MK play some of my video games about my gorgeous self. 

"Monkey King?" MK pauses his game looking over concerned. "What's wrong? You won the battle, everyones safe."

I blinked, looking at my pupil and smiled chuckling. Trying to think of some sort of excuse, but my mind kept flashing back to the fight. The desperate wild look on her face, the blood dripping from her arms as they changed into long claws. She tore apart herself just to save us, it wasnt sitting right with me. The frustration she expressed, I dont think she realized it, but when she looked at her arms after that woman disappeared. She looked horrified at what she did to herself.

"Im fine l-"

"Dont lie," Mk huffed crossing his arms. "You're my teacher and im the student, cant get past me here!"

"Im just concerned," I smiled and patted his shoulder. "After everything that happened today, I think I just need a looonnnggg nap."

MK clearly didnt believe me, he really could see through me. I left it at that, going to bed and leaving him to his games. I'll talk to Dahlia tomorrow.


The next morning I made sure to take MK to pigsy, a bit late sure but I managed to get him there. I headed down to Dahlia house, PIgsy said she had tried to come to work but he yelled at her to stay home and rest. I hopped up a few balconys and stopped at dahlias, sliding open the door inviting myself in.

"Hellloooo?" I looked around closing the door behind me. I heard her rummaging in the kitche, i went to talk over but paused. Lying on the floor was a torn up shirt from Macaque and bandage peices were strewn about. I dont know how i feel about him tending to her.

"Someone there?!" Dahlia peeked around the corner, holding a knife as a weapon then sighs relieved to see me as she lowers the knife. "Sun i could have stabbed you."

"But you didnt!" I grinned walking to the kitchen, she was cooking up something for lunch and cleaning at the same time. I leaned against the wall stealing some veggies. " are you feeling today? Still hurt?"

"Not as much as yesterday," She sighs and starts rolling out some noodles. Very focused on it. "Macs cleaned and bandaged my wounds. It was oddly sweet of him."

"He..huh?"I stared at her shock. Since when did he do that. "You sure he didnt poison you?"

"He's not as evil as you make him out t be," She pressed a bit too hard on the noodle and flinched. Her arms have to hurt.. "Yeah he's a dick though."

"Here let me help," I stepped over to her.

"No i got this," She kept rolling. Not looking over at me, her face tilted away. 

"Dahlia-" I reached out to her hands.

"I GOT IT SUN!" She shouted now looking at me. Her hands shaking as she gripped the dough, on closer look. Her eyes are red and puffy, the tear stains still on her cheeks. "I get you want to be the hero all the time but I can at least manage to cook something!"

I stared at her, glancing down at the noodles. Slowly taking more of a look around the kitchen, several batches of dough in the trash. Ingrediants strewn about and bottles of spices knocked over. 

"Dahlia," I crossed my arms. My tail lightly grazing her hand. "Talk to me."

She went quiet, looking down at my tail then at the dough in her hands before setting it down gulping.

Sun Wukong x OC X MACAQUEWhere stories live. Discover now