The moment of-

46 3 1

(Macaque POV)

I waited impatiently for Dahlia, she said she was going to be late but nearly two hours is seriously pushing my patience. I grumbled tapping my foot against the tree before cursing and felt around the shadows for hers. A little peeking in couldnt hurt, never hurt me at least. I tuned in and listened to mei talk about her way of advice, so she finally noticed the tension? I know Dahlia can be dense sometimes but this was getting irritating. The topic got to sun and I tuned it out, already bored. I didnt really realize how long I had tuned out and just watched until Mei had gotten up and ushered Dahlia out the door. 

I cursed myself then paused looking at the tally board. Sun's name had a couple of tiks under it, but mine had a ridiculous amount and several question marks. I frowned, it was probably a list of negatives. What a typical turn of events. 

"Macs!" Dahlia shouted as she ran over panting then stopped to catch her breathe. "Fuck im sorry im so late! I had to figure something out and Mei was helping me!"

I pulled back to myself and looked at her. She smiled sweetly at me, I frowned at her. Looking away.

"Whatever," I walked into the woods. "Come on, I'm going to kick you're ass."

Dahlia chuckled before I heard her footsteps speed up, she bolted past me snickering.

"HURRY UP YOU SNAIL!" She laughed as she disappeared into the treeline.

I snorted and shook my head, she seriously thought she could outrun me? I stepped into the shadows and popped up in front of her. I reached out to grab her, but she saw me. Jumping over me using my shoulders to vault herself and kept going.

"Gotta try harder then that to catch me!" There was this cocky tone to her voice as she took off deeper into the woods.

I laughed, so she wants to play this game huh? Fine, im irritated enough to cave in. I turned around and this time, ran after her. Easily catching up, I reached out again to grab her but she skidded, turned around, grabbed my arm and spun us around. I dont think she anticipated the momentum that went with it because she sent the two of us rolling down the hill. Once at the bottom she was on her stomach and I on my back, I looked over at her confused. She popped up and spit out a bit of grass and snickered.

"You're weirdly giddy tonight," I sat up and raised an eyebrow. I like this, this chasing game she's started, but that damn board keeps coming back into my mind. "Figure out who you want to cut off?"

Dahlia paused and sat up looking at me, this stupid confused look on her face. she wiped off some dirt from her cheek.

"What are you talking abo-"

"I saw the board," I huffed rolling my eyes. "Checked on you cause you were so late. I saw those tallies. Let me guess, negatives? Cons of keeping one or the other around?"

I stood up growling a bit then laughed. Dahlia shot up and grabbed me by the chin forcing me to look at her, this angry dissapointed look on her face. I felt my heart twang a bit, I really hated that look.

"You clearly didnt listen to the entire conversation," She huffed and let go of me. "You want to know the truth?"

"Obviously," I huffed right back as I crossed my arms. 

"If you want the truth," She turned and bolted. "Then put in some effort!"

"DAHLIA!" I yelled getting frustrated as I bolted after her. Now putting in my full effort, but every time I almost grabbed her. She kept dashing out of the way last second.

"Come on Macs!" Dahlia laughed, my ears twitched catching a twinge of nervousness in her voice. "I know you're faster then that!" 

Dahlia dashed out into a small gap in the trees. I snarled and jumped into a shadow, then popped out of hers. Grabbing her by the waist and spinning her around, pushing her against the trunk of a tree. Catching my breathe a little bit.

"You happy now?!" I growled pressing against her a bit harder, then loosening a bit to ensure i wouldnt hurt the person i care for. "I caught you! So tell me the truth! You running off and avoiding it is pissing me off!" 

"Heh.." Dahlia gulped as she stared at me. Why is she so nervous? "So you did...and i do owe you the truth."

"Dont," I growled then looked away. "Just say it so we can get this over with."

Dahlia was quiet a long time, then I felt her hands touch my arms. One palm on my chest, her fingers lightly tapping me.

"Macaque," Her voice sounded more serious. Nervous still, but a bit more sure. "Look at me."

I tensed a bit, i refuse to melt into her hands when she knows what she's going to do. Push me out, push me away, just -

"Macs," Her hand found it's way to my cheek. Pushing my face back to her. "I'm not cutting you out. I'd never do that to you."

"Sure," I sighed then looked at her face. She has to be lying.. "Then why are you nervous?"

"Because I'm anxious and scared as hell to do something," She gulps as her hand moves into the fur on the side of my head.

"I dont get why you're being such a coward..." I sighed watching her. Why wont she jut get on with it?!

"Shut up," She takes a deep breathe. "You trust me, right?"

"Uh," i looked at her confused now. "Why?"

"Just answer!" She looked to the side clenching her jaw. "why do you gotta be difficult?!"

"Look who's talking!" I sighed and shook my head. " you... now why are-"

I couldnt finish my sentence, not when she was looking at me like that. Her eyes were certain, this softness in them I've seen from her so many times before. It's more intense, her fingers tangled into my fur and head hand yanked me forward. My eyes widened when her lips met mine, her lips warm and soft against mine. I've kissed quite a few woman during my life, hell I've had my share of hook ups as well. This? This was...different. My heart was pounding as I leaned into the kiss, her hands finding their way behind my neck. She pulled me closer to her before loosening her grip, I pulled back. Taking a breathe staring at her, I could feel the heat rising on my face, just as hers was bright red.

" that got the point across?" She sheepishly grins up at me. 

For the moment I just stared at her, eyes slowly trailing to her lips then slowly back up to her eyes.

Sun Wukong x OC X MACAQUEDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora