The flashback

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(Dahlia past in her POV)

The first thing I saw after the pendant was activated, was my home town. I can see it clearly now, no longer a foggy haze that i cant reach. I moved forward, pushing through the streets, it looks like the town I woke up near. Way farther in the past, why am I looking at a memory hundreds of years in the past? 

"Mommy!" A young girls voice calls out, the scenery focusing on it. It's me, and the woman who told me she was my mother. Except the young girl stops to a woman next to mother. "Aunty! I completed my studies!"

"Excellent work my love," The woman smiles rubbing the young girls head. Mother frowns, glaring at them both.

The scene flashes rapidly, showing minor memories. Loving smiles, meals, holidays, sadness, pain, loss. The years moving forward the young girl slowly growing up. Now a preteen, standing at a funeral, the aunt placed  a hand on her shoulder. Pain in her face, but hatred toward the much younger girl. The aunt doesnt seem to have aged a day despite all the years that have passed. I stepped closer, kneeling in front of the young girl. I gasped clutching my head as she looked up, it's me. The young girl is me, hundreds of years ago.

The scene speeds up, I'm now roughly 16 years old. Discovering my powers for the first time and showing my aunt, terrified as my features change, trembling in panic. She smacks me across the face, screaming for me to get ahold of myself, saying its natural for this family. A large man grabs her hand, father. Its father! He's come to save me, Aunty screams at him gesturing to me.

"You bred with my sister and made this MONSTER!" Aunty screams shoving him angrily. "You ruined the bloodline! you both did! I knew I should have poisoned my sister the day she got pregnant! No you dare show your demonic face here?!"

Father looks at me, is snake like eyes are the only features I can see. The only features I recognize. He doesnt speak a word.

The scenery shifts again, Aunty stands over fathers body. A strange golden spear embedded through his head, I screamed out for him as Aunty turned to me. Family holding me down as she walked over, holding up the spear angrily.

"Die half breed, unholy spawn." The spear drove down into my back.

I screamed clutching my body, flashes zoom all around me. Screams, blood pooled and dripped from my hands. 'Family' ran before being murdered, as the flashes of memories slow. I stand in the center of a massacre, only a few family are left standing. All of them holding odd golden weapons that emit a painful energy, it's hard to look at. 

"Unholy spawn," They chant. symbols underneath me glow as they chant words I half understand. "Creature of heaven and hell, be entombed. May you stay buried for all eternity."

The ground reaches up, grasping at me, sucking me down as the symbols burn my skin. I scream, the pain is too much as I reach up to the skies. Desperate as tears run down my face, I dont deserve this! I've been hated and hunted for being the product of a forbidden love! Someone! 


I slowly opened my eyes as the flashes of memories stopped, slowly feeling the ground come back under my feet. I groaned as my head spun, my brain feeling like it's pulsating. The room slowly coming into focus, it's a wreck. The three are taking cover under several objects, I slowly looked around at the damages on the wall furrowing my brow.

"What,...happened?" I staggered falling to my knees.

"Dahlia!" Sun dashes over kneeling in front of me. gently he helps me back up putting his arm around me. "Uh not much, just a surge of energy and lots of wind and screams."

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