2. First day of school.

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Oliver's p.o.v

I've showered and I smile nice and sexy. 

the scratches are almost gone so I don't really worry about them in in ripped jeans and tank top which shows my abs and leather jacket because that's how I role.

My hair is well styled and I'm looking more fuckable then ever.
I'm ready for this semester to begin. 

I walk in the kitchen where Hunter is she's wearing high waisted black skirt and matching black long sleeved crop top. Her brown long curly hair went down her back and her make up was flawless. 

We were the Stone's

We were nothing but flawless


Hunter's p.o.v

We were dressed to kill. 

Our first class was drama so we walk together.
It wasn't long walk for us to any of our classes we just had to take the elevator down two floors and hola there they were.
We walk into a hall with a big stage and bunch of seats in the back. 

Oliver looks at me and then at the seats and I nod so we make our way to the back.
Bunch of people were already there and I wondered if they were wealthy as well or not.
Then the teacher walks in its middle aged man.

"Welcome! welcome class! I'm Mr. Winter and I'll be your drama teacher for the semester."

And everybody cheered.

"So I heard we had twins in this class! Hunter and Oliver come here boys you can begin today."

And that is where I felt like beating the shit out of him. I hated when people though I was guy because of my name. Oliver laughs out and I punched him in his shoulder the we both walk down to the stage.

"Now I'm very confused your not boy"

Mr. Winter says.

"No shit"

Oliver says still laughing.

"No I'm not mr. Winter. I'm as female as you could be."

I say trough gritted teeth

"Oh I'm sorry Mrs stone."

And I nod.

"Okay so you two are in a family dinner and your dog just ate the food you were supposed to serve."

He says giving us scenario. Oliver puts panicking look on his face. 

"Shit hunter! Mom is going to kill us what are we gonna do?!"

He yells at me and I figure out he's already acting so I put on my a game.

"Well Oliver you were supposed to cook it! I only bought it! That's what we agreed on so this isn't my problem!"

I spit at him. 

"Are you fucking serious hunter?! Stop being a brat and help me before mom kills me!"

"Oliver stop being a child! Just cook something else for fuck sakes!"

I yell back at him pushing him away from me.

"You know what hunter your a terrible sister! I should have had eaten you in the womb!"

He says annoyed turning his back on me so I laugh hysterically.

"You wish you could, if someone could had eaten anybody I would had eaten you!"

I say amused.


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