42. Surprise!

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Oliver's POV

"I'm never going home again Ollie."

Amber says and smile and kiss her forehead.

"That's okay by me."

I say and she smiles.

"Have I ever told you how much I love you?"

She says and I smile.

"Ofcourse you have! how could you not I mean look at me."

I say cocky and she laughs slapping me playfully in the chest and I grin.

"I think when Julian and hunt are back they will be together. sue me if I'm wrong"

She says and I smile.

"I sure as hell hope your right."

She stands up and goes into my closet taking out a hoodie of mine slipping it over her and she looks adorable in her leggings and my big hoodie.

"Ollie! Amber!"

Mom yells from down stairs and we walk down stairs where we are greeted with the rest of the family.

Brittany and Diana instantly hug Amber.
We sit in the living my room.

"So kids what's up."

Sidney asks and I laugh Sidney was a lot like Dan bit more mature.

They were the ultimate cool parents that every kid wanted.

"Not to much. Me and Ollie have just been hanging out doing some work"

Amber says and she smiles.
Then mom walks in talking to Tyler serious look on her face.

My mom was amazing woman no one could deny that specially after reading her 'life story'.

For a small town girl she really did make something out off her self even though she got pregnant at 17.

I was definitely a mamas boy because ever since I was kid I would always run to mom instead of dad and hunt would run to dad.

I don't know what it is but we have just get along better.

"Ollie, Amber can I talk to you for a bit?"

Mom asks and I nod taking ambers hand and walking out of the room.

"So on New Years we're hosting a ball. You Oliver will go with your father and buy a tux and Amber sweetheart you'll come with us and Ava will help with the dress!"

She says smiling and the look on Amber is priceless.


She says stunned.

"We'll have to design your dress I think Ava already has but she has to measure you and all that you know."

Mom says and Amber squeals making me laugh.

Then she hugs mom and mom smiles.

"Thanks momma stone!!"

she says making mom smile even wider there is something about her calling mom momma stone that made mom just smile bit brighter.

"When will we try on the dresses?"

Amber says excited and mom smiles.


Mom says and amber squeals and jumps up and down.

"That's so cool!"

She says and I smile I loved this girl so much.

twin souls. (Not done editing.)Where stories live. Discover now