5. Memory of alex.

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Oliver's p.o.v

I walk back into our dorm with hunter glad it's Friday.
Usually we would be ready for a party but this weekend was different.

"I'm going in my room"

I tell hunter and she nods.

"I'm may ask Julian to come over "

She says and I nod.
This guy confused me first he has his arms all over my sister than their just friends? She doesn't have guys that were 'just friends' I walk into my room which I very white except for my black bed.
Back at home my wall were covered in photographs and paintings but I haven't had time for that yet.

I decide to do the homework from creative writing.
We were supposed to write down how we felt after reading the poem we got.
Not that hard I was confused,sad and I wanted to help that person.

I hear the front door open and hunter saying her hellos so figure julian is here.
Great. I keep on writing down how I felt after reading that poem it wasn't that hard and I finished it in 10 minutes.

What should I do now? I mean I don't know anybody here except for my sister which is with some guy in the TV room.. God damn it I need to socialise more in this school.
Maybe I should just draw something I need something for my wall so yeah.
I'm craving some snacks so I'd better go outside my bedroom the get it I hope I don't walk in on some steamy make up session.

I hesitantly open the door on my bedroom and walk to the kitchen.
I see hunter in the TV room. She's sitting on one side of the sofa and Julian the other they aren't even touching? I thought they were a thing?


"Hey guys what you watching?"

I invite my self to their little party because it doesn't look like I'm in disturbing anything.

"we're watching Harry Potter"

Julian says keeping his eyes in the screen.


I ask again.

"The last one."

Hunter mutters.

"Mind if I join?"

I ask and they both nod.


I Stand up grabbing a soda and snack from the fridge and then I sit on the sofa next to them.
There isn't any tension it's just Julian isn't showing my sis much of attention. Meaning she's giving him all the signals like.
'Hold me'
'Cuddle me'
'Hold my hand'
Kind of signals.
Either this guy is totally clueless or has no interest in her at all.

I see my sister is all cuddled up in the sofa trying to keep her eyes open while watching the movie it was no secret that my sis wasn't very much into this film..

I watch has Harry,Ron, harmonie and Ginny wave their kids goodbye.
God I loved this series...
I look over at my sleeping sister looks like Julian finally figured out she'd fallen asleep..

"Looks like she enjoyed the film."

He murmurs..

"Yeah she isn't big on fantasy films sadly.."

"So I think I should get going."

He says bit awkward.


I murmur.

He stands up making his way to the door.

"Tell hunter I said bye."

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