6. Wood,photography and coffe

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Hunter's p.o.v

I wake up in Oliver's in bed which freaks me out.
I have no memory of getting in his bed at all the last thing I remember is watching the wizard film with Julian and Oliver.

I poke Oliver's head and he groans.
I say annoying him awake.
"Yeah ?"
He says annoyed.
"Why the fuck am I in your bed?"
I ask curiously.
"You fell asleep at the sofa and I brought you here."
He murmurs.
"Why didn't you just bring me to my bed?"
I ask annoyed.. I didn't like sleeping in same bed as Oliver don't get me wrong I love him and all just we're to old to share bed...
"Was to tired"
He murmurs again.
"Okay then.. Well I'm going!"
I say walking out of his room.
His room his so empty and sad.
I didn't like it.
I walk in my room where I see my phone and grab it instantly.
I have unread message let see it.

Julian: sorry I left before saying bye.
Didn't want to wake you up. You looked so peaceful :*

I look at the text for sometime I seriously don't understand this boy..
Sometimes he's a flirt then he doesn't show any interest in me. Very confusing.
I'm still in the same cloths as yesterday and Wearing make up. Eww gross I hated sleeping with make up your skin gets so oily..
I strip down my cloths and jump into a shower.
It wasn't as good shower as at home but it was enough for me.
I put my hair into a messy bun and and then I grab ripped black jeans and gray t-shirt.
So I have nothing to do today.
Let's change that.

Hunter: hey :*
You wanna go for coffe?

I press send.
I was gonna make Julian mine.
I want him and I will get him.
I walk again into the bathroom brushing my hair and Doing French braid and put some make up on.
Then my phone buzzes and I smile.

Julian: yeah sure. I'll be at your dorm in 15 minutes.

Hunter: I'll be waiting ;)

God I wanted him.
My lips deep red and having eylinerwings I was pretty proud of how I looked.

Then I hear the door buzz.
"Ollie I'm out!"
I yell receiving a groan from my beloved brother and I chuckle.

I open the door and Julian is there his messy blond hair and wearing jeans,tank top and shirt which looked pretty cozy.

"Hey you"
He says smirking.
"Hey back."
I say smiling.
"You ready to go?"
And I nod walking outside.
"So the same coffe shop?"
He asks.
"No I was thinking Starbucks and then walk around."
I say.
"Sounds fun."
And I smile.
He was in good mood.
"I like your smile"
I say bluntly regretting it as soon as I say it.
He looks at me confused not smiling anymore but then he smiles again bumming his shoulder to mine.
"Your cute"
And I feel my cheek blush.
Damn it.

We arrive at Starbucks getting coffe then walking out.

"So hunter we've played 20 questions, we've watched a film that you fell asleep at by the way now what are we gonna do?"
He asks me curiously.
"So I took my camera with me so I was thinking walking to the woods or beach?"
I ask I loved taking photos.
"Oh that's good idea! You should have told me I had brought my camera to!"
He says whining the last part.
"Well we can use mine!"
I blink him and we both laugh.
"Well so the woods or beach?"
I ask him and he thinks about it for awhile.
"I think woods because it's autumn and it's beautiful now!"
"I totally agree!"
I say grinning.
We walk to the woods laughing all the way.
We walk trough the woods and I snap photos when I see something interesting.
"How do you feel when you take photos?"
He asks me and I smile at him.
"I feel like I'm unstoppable like I can show the whole world what I see."
I say and he nods.
"How about you?"
I ask and he gives me half smile as he sits down on a rock.
"I feel like I'm god."
He says simply and I raise my eyebrow.
He looks up at the skies and I snap photo of him and he looks at me.
"Did you just take photo of me?"
He asks mockingly.
"No not at all"
I say putting up innocent look.
"Your cute"
He says smirking.
And I feel my cheek blush again.
He looks up again now laying on his back.
I lay next to him looking up in the skies.
"It's beautiful."
I whisper.
"It is"
He says.
We lay there in silent for maybe 30 minutes or more.
I felt comfortable we didn't speak nor dos we touch.
I take my camera I snap picture of the heaven and trees beside it.
I snap another picture of him laying beside me.
He looks at me and he smiles but his eyes scream sadness before I know I've snapped another photo.
"If I didn't knew better if think you've fallen in love with me."
He mocks me.
Then we both laughs.
"Should we get out of here?"
I ask him.
"Yeah maybe we should."
He stands up then helps me up.
He doesn't let go off my hand when I'm on my feet and I'm not trying to take it away.
So we walk out the woods holding hands.
When we're back in a human place he doesn't smile.
He's tense but he's still holding my hand but the grip harden.
When we're back at the dorms he walks me up.
"So you wanna come in watch some movies or we can look trough the photos of you want?"
"Yeah sure"
He says not very confident.
"You can say no if you don't want to."
I say painfully.
"Don't worry if I didn't want to be here I wouldn't be here."
He says giving a smile and I smile back at him.
We take out jackets off and our shoes then we walk in my room.
He looks around in my room.
His eyes stuck on my human sized manikin.
"That's bit creepy..."
He says pointing at it.
"Yeah I've heard that before.."
I say.
I put my came on my desk connecting it to my computer moving the photos there.he sits on my bed as I instal the photos.
Then I grab my computer and sit next to him showing him the photos.
First there are photos of trees,lake,empty picnic table and then there's a photo of him sitting on the grass looking up.
He sings And I grin.
I actually like this photo a lot he looks so peaceful bit still so deep in thought.
Then come photos of the skies and whoops him again laying beside me looking up.
His mouth shut and eyes focusing on the skies his body relaxed so many feelings.
Then there is a photo of him looking at me smiling but sadness in his eyes.
"So many photos of me"
He says and I grin.
I look at the photo.
His messy blond hair and sharp jaw blue eyes like the ocean. I looked at the photo and I felt ticklish feeling in my body.
I didn't like this ticklish feeling.
"Hunter you okay?"
He asks looking at me with concerned in his eyes.
So I snap back to reality.
"Yeah, we wouldn't I be?"
I say smiling toward him.
"I dorm know, just checking."
He murmurs.

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