23. New york

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Hunters POV

I hear a knock on my door and I groan.
"Wake up!"
I hear my dads voice outside.
Andy is fast asleep next to me so I don't bother waking him up.
I walk outside in my pj and my dad looks at me.
"Glad you decided to join me."
He says sarcastically.
"Fuck off."
I murmur and he laughs.
"What did you want?"
I rub my eyes trying to wake more up.
"Come with me to New York."
He says excited and my eyes widen.
"Yeah I need to go to the studio there but it will only take an hour then we'd have the rest of the day only us."
He says smiling and I squeal.
"I'd love to!! I'm gonna go get ready!"
I say and dad laughs.
"Well we will be going in an hour."
And I nod closing the door.
"Wake up Andy!"
I yell and jump into the shower.
I'm going to New York with my dad! It's been a long time since we went something so I'm excited. It was no secret that I was my dads favourite and Oliver was my moms. I wrap towel around Me and put my basic cream on my face.
In my closet I pick some cute as fuck outfits. ripped skinny jeans and sweater.
I put on some natural make up and red lipstick.
I look amazing.
I walk in my room and Andy is still asleep.
"Andy wake up!"
I say and he groans.
So I place soft kisses on his face and then his lips and his hand grabs me pulling me closer.
"Sorry babe but you need to wake up."
And he finally opens his eyes.
"Why are you all dressed?"
He asks and I laugh.
"My dad is taking me to New York for a day that's why you need to wake up!"
I say but he frowns.
"I wanted us to spent some time together today.."
He says and I raise my eyebrow at him.
"Andy I'll make it up to you. But now you need to get dressed and head back to the dorms."
I say kissing him.
"You promise?"
He says and I nod.
And he laughs and squeezes me in his arms.

We're at the studio and dad is currently singing some lyrics he had tried getting me into singing but it wasn't my thing. Oliver could sing though. I sip on my Starbucks And flip trough my phone.

Ollie: R U Still at home? And when are you coming back?

I see text message from Oliver.

Me: no I'm in NY with dad not sure if I will be home tonight or early tomorrow.

And I press send. Second later I get a replay.

Ollie: your what? What r u guys doing in NY?

Me: just chillin he's currently recording.

Ollie: y didn't he ask me to go 2?

Me: idk man maybe I'm just his fav.

Ollie: no surprise there......

Me: go cry me a river. Everybody knows your moms!

Ollie: Amber is over so please let's know before you come..

And I frown I knew he was pissed that I was in New York but I didn't care.
My dad walkabout of the studio and smiles at me.
"I'm done for the day. What do you want to do?"
He asks and I smirk at him.
"Don't say it."
He says in warning tone.
"Let's go shopping!!"
I squeal and my dad frowns.
After hours of torturing my dad in shopping we are finally at a fancy restaurant eating.
He even bought me a new camera!
So we're sitting in the fancy tasty rant eating fancy food.
"So you and Andy huh?"
He asks and I nod.
I say and he looks at me.
"I just want you to know I support you no matter what hunter. I mean if you love him it's non of my place to tell you not to but be careful."
And I nod.
"I love you."
And he smiles.
"I love you to hunt."
And he looks at my tattoo.
"I like your new tattoo."
He says smirking at the golden now on my wrist.
"So how are things between you and Oliver?"
And I frown.
"That bad huh?"
He says.
"He just has his nose always in my business and its fucking annoying I mean I'm a big girl I can take care of my self and he's just always acting like he's much better person than me when we both know he isn't..."
He laughs and nods.
"Well your brother is a very emotional type and he's not hiding it how protective he is of his sister is he?"
And I shake my head.
"What do you think about his girlfriend Amber?"
He asks.
"The first time I met her I yelled at her calling her a slut.. But she's a very nice person and she makes Ollie smile he didn't smile so much before. She talks a lot but doesn't eat that much and i think she doesn't have a lot self- ecteem but other than that I like her we take fashion together and we are making a ball dress."

"Why'd you call her slut?"
Dad asks and I groan.
"Well I just came home from a party me and Ollie went to and there she was in my cloths in his lab and I was hung over as fuck and my body aching so yeah..."
"Hunter you need to start treating new people more nicer.."
He said.
"What well Julian made me apologise to her which was so embarrassing by the way!"
"Wait who's Julian?"
He asks and I laugh.
"He's my best friend. Very nice guy."
And he nods.
"I'd like to meet him sometimes."
"I'm sure you would."
It's 5 am and I'm sneaking inside with 10 bags.
I hear Oliver yell from inside
I say and he laughs as he takes some of my bags and walks with me in my room.
"So how was New York?"
He asks helping me unpack my things.
"It was great! I've missed dad."
"Yeah hunter I need to talk to you for a minute."
He mutters and I look up I know this isn't going to be good.
"About our fight I'm sorry I called you cold hearted bitch I didn't mean it. I just wish sometimes you would tell me what's bothering you but I know I should respect your choice."
He says and I nod.
"It's okay Ollie."
And he smiles.
"I love you hunt."
"I love you too Ollie."

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