15. Challenge accepted

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Hunter's POV

I walk in to kitchen to have breakfast still wearing Andy's cloths.
Will I meet him today? He said that we'd meet soon again.

I pour cereal into a bowl then I hear Oliver's door open and I frown.
I can't believe he called me cold hearted bitch..
So if he wants a cold hearted bitch he will get one.
Oliver sits next to me pouring cereal in his bowl.
"Where were you last night?"
He asks dryly.
"Non of you business"
I spit at him.
"He smell like a boy."
He mocks.
"Eat shit"
I spit at him.
I place my bowl in the sink and go back into my room.
Today's drama so I need to dress into something comfortable.
I'm really glad mom and dad gave us a maid that cleaned our dorm so my cloths are all in my closet again.
I take out black leggings which show my amazing ass,grey short tank top and black cardigan I but nice messy French braid in my hair and put pretty natural makeup on.
I look sexy and cute.
I have drama with Oliver but I'm just gonna ignore him.
I slip on my vans and walk to drama class.
I see Oliver in the back off the class and Julian sits in the middle. Well Julian is the better choice so I'll go sit with him.
He says in husky voice.
"Hey Julian"
I say smiling toward him.
Then Mr. Winter walks in.
"Okay guys today we are gonna do something bit different!"
He says and around ten people walk in and Andy's one of them. I feel butterflies in my stomach.
"So these guys are in the older group of my drama class and they are gonna help us today. We are gonna put you guys in ten groups each elder will be leader of three people's group. This project will be competition between groups. So I'm gonna explain how this project will be.
You each one will have go-pro camera in your head and one I your group will have an actual camera to record you.
This challenge you will have to let go off what you think is embarrassing each group will get a list with things to do and the group that gets the most points in three hours will win!"
He says and the elders all cheer.
there are five boys and five girls of the elders so if it's gonna be ten groups each elder will have two youngster in there group.
"Okay now I'll put you guys in group"
Mrs.winter says and he begins to put people in groups and each and everybody cheers when they meet their group and high five each other.
"Andy you will get the twins"
He finally says and I can see confused look on Andy as me and Oliver stand up but then he sees me and gives me this amazing sexy smile and I can just feel my cheek blush.
"Hey hunter. You didn't tell me you were a twin."
He says smiling toward Oliver.
"You know each other?"
Oliver asks confused.
"Oh yeah we do"
Andy says giving me a dirty look.
"Eww why did I ask"
Oliver says giving me a disgusting look.
Mr. Winter gives us all a go-pro camera and a record camera.
"Okay as the leader of this group I must say I'm a sore loser so we'll either have to win or get to the top 3 you understand?!"
Andy says in leader voice and we both nod.
"Okay who wants to be on the camera?"
Andy asks and Oliver looks at me ofcourse he did I mean I'm in photography but no I'm not gonna be in the camera.
"Oliver will."
I say and Andy nods.
"Okay then let's get the list and run to my car so I can drive down town."
He says clapping his hand.
We run to the door and grab a list and into Andy's car which is hot by the ways.
"Hunter read the list for us"
Andy orders and I nod.
"Okay so.
-hug a stranger. (1 point for each)
-kiss a strangers on the cheek. (2 point on each.)
- go to a crowded place and scream.
"I have herpes" (5 points)
- get a piercing. (15 points)
- get a tattoo (50 points)
- tell a stranger you are in love with them. (5 points for each)
-kiss someone on the mouth.
( 10 points.)
- have a melt down on the middle of the street (20 points)
- start dancing and singing (15 points) "
I finish reading this isn't that big list. I think.
"Well okay first stop tattoo and piercings store. If we all get a tattoo we already have 150 points"
"I'm not getting tattoo"
Oliver says dryly and I shoot him a dirty look ofcourse he'll have to ruin everything.
"Okay dude I'm not gonna force you to do anything but of we'll lose I'll blame you."
He says calmly which makes me just want to attack his lips.
"Mr. Winter said the camera man didn't have to do anything but film"
Oliver says dryly.
"Well okay pussy just follow us then and make sure you'll get everything."
I mock him.
He murmurs and Andy laughs.
We pull by the tatto and piercing shop.
"What do you want to get?"
Andy asks me smiling.
"I was thinking a golden bow on my wrist"
I say proudly I've always wanted a tattoo so ofcourse I already know what I want.
"Okay sweet."
"Hey liz! We are gonna get two tattoos and piercings."
He tells to the black haired girl behind the desk.
"hey Andy and yeah ofcourse."
Another girl comes and me and Andy sit on a chair ready to get tattooed.
I get my golden bow and Andy gets a black star.
"Okay now piercings ears don't count hunt so be creative."
He says smirking.
"I'll get piercing in my eyebrow."
He says.
"Okay I'm thinking belly button or smiley?"
I say and Andy smiles at me but Oliver just stands there frowning
"Why not just both?"
Andy says.
"Good idea."
And the girl nods getting a nail ready.

"Okay this was awesome"
Andy says high giving me.
"We now have 145 points."
He says and I grin.
"What will we do next."
Oliver asks.
"We have two hours left so let's just start running around hugging people and kiss their cheeks. We're not far from the middle of the town there we can scream all those things"
He says and I nod.
"One,two,three let's go!"
I say and I start running then we all meet on the middle Oliver is doing this challenge to go get is more points and also because he can't follow us with the camera.

Okay we all meet in the middle.
"Okay hunt how many did you hug?"
Andy asks.
I say
"I did 25"
He says now we have 45 more points.
"Okay and I did 30 which gives us 75 more points so now we have 220 points."
He says proudly.
"Now how many did you kiss on the cheek?"
And asks me.
"Okay that's 30 more points which gives us 250 points. Oliver?"
"Okay that's 290 points and did 25 which is 50 so now we have 340 points."
He says proudly.
"So I was thinking we can make a little play with this screaming parts so we get 10 points on kissing on mouth which we can only use 1 once so we'll kiss and then I'll tell you I have herpes very loudly and you have a melt down."
Andy says to me and I Nod.
"Should we take off our go-pro or?"
I ask but Andy just shakes his head.
"Okay you ready Ollie you need to catch this."
And Oliver nods. We both walk in the middle and start making out then Andy pulls away and almost yells at me he has herpes and I scream and slap him telling him he's an idiot and I hate him and I start crying telling him he ruined my life.
People are staring at us like we're some soap opera...
Then Andy starts singing and grabs my hand and dance and we both sin and dance out of there.
"Okay you got it?"
Andy asks Oliver and he laugh.
"Yeah you should had seen people's faces."
"So we did the herpes thing check that out which is 5 points then the kissing on mouth which is 10 points and melt down which is 20 points and start dancing and singing which is 15 points write that down we'll do the math later. "
Andy orders Oliver and he nods.
Okay we have hour left so let's tell as many strangers we're in love with them as we run to the car and drive back to school but hurry up because we only have like 30 minutes till we have to be at the car.

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