43. Meeting the friends.

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Hunters POV.

"It's cold, I'm cold, why is it so cold."

I murmur and Julian laughs as he pulls me into his arms.

"Du är så söt."

He whispers and I roll my eyes.

"English please."

I murmur and he laughs.

"So I warn you my friends are bit different.."

He says and I frown.

"What do you mean?"

"Swedes aren't like Americans let's just say that."

He says and I smile.

"Well my boyfriend is a swede so I know."

I say seductivly and he smiles.

"Okay we're here."

He says and parks in front of a house and I nod and Walk out of the car.

I feel his fingers lock with mine and I smile then group of guys run outside the house.

They scream something in Swedish and rip him out of my hand all hugging him and laughing I smile this surely feels amazing.

The one of them turns around and checks me out.

He says something on Swedish and Julian says something back and then they're all looking at me smirking.


One says.

"What? Why are you staring at me?"

I ask confused and they laugh then I feel Julian's arms around me.

"They're admiring my beautiful girlfriend."

He whispers and I blush.

"Well should we go inside?"

Julian asks and leads me inside af the guys follow.

This house is like a man cave...

"Do you guys live here?"

I asks and a blonde one answers.

"Yes we do."

"We completely forgot to introduce us."

The brown haired one said.

"I'm Tobias."

The brown haired one says.

"I'm niko."

The other brown haired one says.

"I'm Kai."

The blonde one says and then the other blonde one smiles.

"And last but not least I'm benji."

"Well hi I'm hunter."

I say and they smile.

"So your the one who stole our jules heart."

Benji says smirking and I laugh.

"Right from the start."

I say and they laugh.

We walk toward a living room where they have huge ass TV and Xbox.

"You look familiar."

Kai says and I look at him please do not say you know me because of my parents please do not.

"Yeah man she's the girl in jules photos!"

Niko says and I give Julian a strange look like asking what their talking about but julian just shrugs.


Kai says.

"So how's America?"

Tobias asks and Julian smiles.

"And it must be good cause you've already gotten your self a hottie."

Benji says and me and Julian laugh.

"Well it's good. I love the dorms and school."

He says.

"So how did you two meet?"

Niko asks and I smile.

"We're both in photography and drama."

I say and they nod.

"I thought oh wouldn't come home this holiday what changed?"

Tobias asks and he smiled.

"Well my amazing girlfriend."

He says and kisses my forehead.

"I begged my dad and mom to let us have the jet to fly to Sweden and back."

I say to make it clearer.

"Wait your jet?"

Kai asks stunned and I smile.


"Oh I may have failed to mention how her parents are famous."

Julian says and I roll my eyes.

"Not that it has to be mentioned."

I say bit annoyed.

"Wait who are your parents?"

Tobias asked.

"Olivia stone and Tyler stone."

I say and their eyes goes wide.


They both say in unison and I nod.

"Your one of the famous stone twins?"

Tobias asked and I laughed.

"Just because my parents are famous doesn't mean I am."

I say truthfully.

But they shake their heads and I roll my eyes.

"No ofcourse you aren't..."

Kai says.

"So what do you guys want to do?"

Julian asks and they smile.

"Well we could of course play so video games and go out tonight then."

Benji says and smirks at me.

"Sounds good"

I say and he smiles as I grab remote to play some video game with them.

"Get ready to lose."

I say and benji laughs.


And he turns on FIFA and we start playing  we both scream at the TV screen but I have to admit he's losing badly.

He's screaming something on Swedish and they guys are laughing as I sit still and beat his ass.

Then I've won.

"I told you to prepare to loose."

I say and blink him and everybody laughs except benji which looks mad as he walks into the kitchen.

I feel Julian's arms wrap around me.

"That was awesome."

He says and I laugh and look up to kiss him.

"Hey woah PDA!"

Kai says and we laugh and I pull my self away from Julian.

"I'm sorry."

I say mockingly and he rolls his eyes.

The guys take couple more games until it's evening already.

"So, guys me and hunter are gonna stop at home and Change. You guys wanna come with or we'll meet at the bar?"

Julian asks and the guys shrug.

"We'll just come with."

Tobias says and we're out of the door.

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