24. joel

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Hunter's POV

Me and Ollie sit by our table eating some bacon.
"If you don't mind me asks but is Julian okay?"
Oliver asks hesitantly.
"Yeah I think so it was just a hard night."
I say thinking back to the night I found him shaking and his eyes puffy red from crying.
I was terrified.
"Okay good. He's a good guy."
He says and I nod.
"Where's Amber?"
I ask she's usually here.
"She had some things to do today."
He says.
"How are things between you to by the way?"
I ask and he smiles.
"I told her I loved her last night. She also said she loved me."
He grins like a children on Christmas.
"I'm glad Ollie you deserve it."
I say genially.
"How about you and Andy?"
And I frown.
"It's okay."
I say and he raises his eyebrow.

Then my phone buzzes and I check it.
One unread message from Andy.

Andy : waiting 4 u

Oliver's POV

Hunter left me alone to go to meet Andy. She said she had left him alone in our parents home with the condition of making it up for him..

Well she is her own person..
I walk to my room my head wandering off to another places as I take up my sketch book and my pencils I always felt the most in peace when I was drawing..
I turn on oasis playlist and drift of drawing.

I look at the drawing inform of me its Alex her bony body infront of the toilet puking..
I never understood how she could do something like this to her self I mean she was beautiful and so amazing how could she harm her self so much?
I mean I loved her just like family and all but I still just can't understand..
I've dealt with depression but never that far gone to harm myself because doing that I'll only be causing the people around me pain..
I shake my head and stand up going to my computer opening my tumblr.
People always get confused and think me and hunter are lying when we say we're twins because we look nothing alike and we're complete opposites.
I'm more artistic type and I like my alone time I express myself differently and I'm more sympathies to other people. She sort of an extrovert and can't be alone she always has someone and is shows no sympathy at all it was the first time I've seen her do that with Julian! And also she just comes off but cold and is very closed person...

I scroll down my feed I have about 20k followers now and I'm completely in love with it!
I often take hunter photos and share them on my tumblr and they get so many notes! I click my ask box and scroll down questions deciding which to answer.

"You seriously a twin?!?"

"Your mom is a milf."
-and I just needed to know that why?

"Your only famous because of your parents."
-because I dorm know that?

"You have to much ego for torn own good."
-yeah,sure,okay then.

I hate fucking anon hate but I still answer them...

"Post a picture of you and your girlfriend!!"
-maybe later we haven't really taken any pics of us yet! But she's the most beautiful out there!

"Omfg lets get married and have kids because I'm fucking in love with you!
Your blog is Amazing my your hot af lets bang hard and make family!"

I laugh before I reply these kind of messages made me smile how crazy people could be.

-'Im taken. Sorry babe.

I hear my phone ring and I look at the caller ID.

It's an unknown number...
But I'll answer it.

"Oliver storm?"
I hear a shaky woman's voice.
"I'm Gwen Joel's mother."
She says and I nod then I realise she doesn't see me.
"I wanted to invite you to his funeral."
Her voice broke and my eyes widen.
"I know you two used to be good friends in high school so I thought you'd wanted to come."
"Not to be ride or anything but what happened?"
My heart is beating at hundred.
"He got in far accident..."
She says her voice sad and I can feel tears leaking down my face.
"Of course I'll be there! When is it?"
"In two days at our local church at 2pm."
She murmurs.
"Thanks for inviting me."
I murmur.
"And your sister is welcome to I know he was always very fond of her."
"Thanks Gwen I'll see you in two days."
"Alright sweetie."
And I hang up the phone.
Feeling like my heart is about to pump out off me.
I try to call hunter but she doesn't pick up the phone.
So I run to andys dorm.
And knock like maniac on the door with out any respond until 5-6 minutes later...
Andy opens the door towel over his crotch and I shake the nasty feeling running trough me.
"I need to speak to hunter now! Where is she!?"
I almost yell at him and then I hear hunters voice behind him.
And she appears in the door with towel on her head and covering her body.
I push through Andy and grab her in my arm feeling the sobs break trough.
"Ollie what's wrong?! What happened?!"
She says worried.
"J-Joel I-is de-dead.."
I sob and she pulls away from me.
And I nod.
"When?! How?! Why?!?"
She says her eyes widen and she's holding her towel with her life.
I hear Andy close the door behind us.
"He got into a car accident and died instantly according to his mom Gwen we are invited to the funeral at our local Church at 2pm in two days.."
I murmur and she nods.
"I-I c-can't b-believe it."
She says shaking her head and then I see Andy pulling a t-shirt over her head and slipping on some sweatpants then Hugs her from behind.
"Why?! I mean I just can't believe it why Joel..."
She murmurs and I can see tears leaking down her cheek but she brushes it off quickly.
Then she pulls away from andy's arm and walk to the door.
"I'm going for a walk..."
She murmurs leaving us alone.
Andy gives me a strange look.
"Who's Joel?"
"He was my best friend in high school also hunters first love..."
I murmur standing up walking to the door.
"She's mine."
I hear him murmur darkly before I close the door behind me again waking to our dorm.
"I can't believe Joel is dead.."

twin souls. (Not done editing.)Where stories live. Discover now