3. Coffe with mistery

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Hunter's P.O.V

We walk to a close cute indie coffee shop nearby. 

"So hunter tell me about you."

He says sipping on his coffee.

"Well I'm a twin. My parents were very young when they had is but they were wealthy enough to keep us so they moved to Los Angeles and we've lived there all our life."

I say and he nods.

"Tell me about you" 

i say seductivly. He just smiles at me then he's starts to talk. 

"Well I'm from North of Europe I moved here for new life to live my dreams. So here I am."

And I smile.

"Europe huh?"

And he nods.

"That's sexy."

I say and he laughs.

"What have soft spot for Europeans?"

He says smirking at me.

"Well maybe who knows?"

"Well lucky me."

He says with deep voice which caught a me of guards.

"Let's play 20 questions"

He says and I smile and agree. 

"Okay what's your favourite colour?"

He asks.

"Black,red and green."

And he nods.

"Where in Europe are you from?"


And I smile.

"Why are you in this college?"

And i frown.

"Well my mom and dad are in the show business and they want me and my brother in it too so they've taught us since we're little to know our inner creativity."

"That's nice"

He says.

"It's something."

I mutter.

"So what are you in more than drama?"

"Art and photography"

He says casually.

"No way!"


He asks confused.

"I'm in photography too and my brother is in art."

"Oh that's nice then I know someone there."


I say smiling.


We're walking back home it's getting dark outside.

I've tried giving him signs to hold my hand but he didn't notice them so I frown. 

"I love the weather here"

He says breathing in.

"Yeah it's okay."

He's a nice guy though and that's good.

"It's weird being in America you're all so open"

He says which confuses me.

twin souls. (Not done editing.)Where stories live. Discover now