17. Little angry Amber

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Oliver's pov

"Is Julian with your sister?"
Amber asks me confused and I shake my head.
"No Apparently they decided to be just friends so hunter is now screwing some 22 year old dude.."
I spit.
I didn't like Andy I just knew he would have bad influence on my sister and seeing them today disgusted me he couldn't keep his hands off her and I just wanted to punch him but I knew if I did hunter would only get more angry at me after all he's her new play toy. Or is she his? Guess I'll never know..
"What? But I thought they'd liked each other?"
Amber says confused.
"Believe me so did I."
I murmur.
"So what do you want to do?"
Amber asks and I smirk.
"I would say yes but it would be pretty weird specially because I can hear your sister moan like crazy in the other room."
She says.
"Your right lets go out. "
I say and she grins and jumps on my back and I take her on piggyback ride.
"Well your ready so let's just go I can't handle anymore of these noise"
I murmur and she giggles kissing my cheek.
I place Amber in the seat next to me and turn on my car.
"So where's are we going?"
She ask curiously.
"It's a surprise"
I smirk at her and she blushes but throws her hands in the air frustrated.
"I hate surprises! I mean one time my mom made this birthday party for me and I didn't know of it and when I came of from the gym everybody jumped screaming at me and I was startled I threw my phone at them and broke it! I mean who do was that!"
She keep on blabbering I loved how bubbly Amber was she always just talked and talked and didn't care how much I didn't like talking so much so it was good she did or it would be awkward.
I park the car in front of a cute little restaurant. I saw it while we were on this challenge today and I though
'One day I'll bring Amber here'
"Oh my god we're not going in there are we?"
She asks confused but sounding not scared.
"Yeah we are"
I grin.
"Oliver I-I cant."
She stutter and now I can see the absolute terrifying look in her eyes like she just saw her biggest nightmare.
"Why not?"
I ask confused.
It's such a cute restaurant why wouldn't she go?
"Oliver I just can't.. Let's go to the movies or something."
She says and I frown.
"But I wanted to be romantic and invite my girlfriend to dinner! Movies aren't romantic"
I whine.
"Oliver don't make this harder than it is."
She murmurs looking out the window never making eye contact to me.
she's also fitting either sleeves Pulling them down like she's trying to hide or something.
I whine.
"Oliver I'm serious I'm not going I there! Either we leave it or I'm getting out of this car and walking home!"
She almost yells at me and I'm startled I mean she's bubbly and sweet little Amber so seeing her angry and scared isn't a normal thing for me. It scares me a bit.
Murmur bit annoyed and drive on the ride is long and awkward.
I stop in front of the beach and she gives me a strange look.
"What your not telling me we can't go to the beach either!"
I say annoyed and she gives me sorry look and looks away.
I open the door and step out of the car grabbing a blanket. Amber is still in the car staring out the window so I open her door and pull her out the car.
And I lead her to the beach where I put the blanket down sitting on it and Amber sits next to me.
We sit there in silent staring at the ocean I can just feel the bad vibe..
"I'm sorry."
She whispers with shake voice and I look at her and I see her tears eyes like she's battling to not cry.
"It's okay."
I murmur pulling her in my arms so she's laying on my chest.
"I'm sorry to I'm just stressed because of hunter.."
I whisper and she nods.
"Do you mind if I rant a bit? I mean in not big for ranting to people but I just can't keep it inside anymore and your my only friend here to be honest"
I ask her awkwardly and she gives out a bit laugh
"Yeah of course babe talk to me."
She says lifting up kissing my lips softly and I feel by butterflies in my stomach. I still can't believe we went in high school together and I'm just getting to know her now.
"So you know my sister hunter"
I begin and she nods.
"So you've obviously seen she's not okay"
And she nods again.
"I'm so worried about her and yesterday we got into this huge fight about her never sharing her feeling a and not telling me anything I mean we're twins we're supposed to be super close but she never lets anyone in and it's so annoying because she doesn't even admit I she has a problem and yesterday I accidentally called her cold hearted bitch and I've never seen her this pissed in my life like I'm scared Amber after I said it she just turned off her emotion and went out and I tried waiting up on her but she didn't come home and when i woke up she was in the kitchen in boys cloths and I was like no not another thing like that because so really wish she and Julian just cut the crap and date because their good for each other and she comes soft when she's with him and talks to him by then we came to drama and this dude there of the older group apparently knew her and they couldn't keep their hands off each other and she was giggling and smiling but everytime i said something she glared at me or snapped at me and he just laughed I mean she's my little sister and I'm scared about her but she won't let me ell her and I'm pretty sure she hates me now."
Now Amber is staring me in the eye cupping my cheeks.
"Oliver she's a girl she's one tough cookie to be honest and I was very scared of her first but like all tough cookies they're tough and not so easy to break so you just have to respect her space and when she's ready she'll come to you. You can't force her to trust you specially because she's very closed and if my sibling. Called me cold hearted bitch id be pretty pissed of to I just think she may be taking to the extreme but you'll just have to relax and let her do her thing."
She says softly and then she's kissing me.
I wrap my hands around her laying her on the blanket and start kissing down her neck and she moans which makes my smile As I pull off her top.

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