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They hardly slept that night, the two of them cuddled up on the couch. Joel was sitting while Ellie was laying down with her head in his lap. He had patched her up, hating the bruises and cuts on her face, knowing he could've prevented all of this if he had just let her stay. That's what he gets for trying to not be selfish for once.

Anytime either of them moved, the other looked at them, trying to make sure they were okay. It definitely wasn't healthy, Joel realized, but he didn't give a single shit.

Around three am, Ellie dozed off. She slept for an hour before she was startled awake, her body tensing as if she didn't remember where she was. Joel just hummed and rubbed at her back, letting her know that she was home, that she was safe. She relaxed, eyes closing but he knew that she wasn't trying to sleep.

Around six, Joel shuffled out from under Ellie who had dozed off half an hour earlier. It caused Ellie to jerk awake, her eyes darting around as she was half asleep still. "Dad? Where are you going?" She mumbled, her droopy eyes meeting his.

He smiled softly, surprised by her calling him dad. He felt honored to be considered that but surprised to see that she was that attached to him, making him realize that it wasn't one sided. "It's okay, I'm just going to the bathroom."

She let out a soft hum before she put her head, falling back to sleep quickly. However, it was on his way to the bathroom when he froze. The day of their fight, Ellie had seemed off, and days before it too, it was because she didn't want to go but he must've made her think that he didn't want her to stay.

He silently cursed, realizing that this all could've been avoided if he had just talked to her. He sighed but shook his head, knowing he couldn't change the past as he continued to walk to the bathroom.

He used the bathroom before he went to the kitchen, making french toast. He wanted to continue to expand Ellie's palate and this seemed like a good way to do it. While he was making breakfast, he grabbed his phone, calling Marlene.

"Hello?" She asked, sounding groggy. He must've woken her up. Oh well.

"Hey Marlene, it's me, Joel," He told her.

He heard her sigh. "Joel, I told you. Ellie is fine and happy, stop worrying," She said.

He raised an eyebrow. Either she didn't know about last night or she was lying. "Oh really? If Ellie is fine and happy then why did she almost break my door down last night covered in blood and freaking out?"

"What?" Marlene asked. Ah so that got her attention.

"I don't know what happened, all I got from her was that he tried to touch her but I'm guessing he got physical with her," Joel sighed. "I thought you said she was safe? What the fuck happened?"

"I-I don't know, we've had David as a foster for years and we've never had problems," Marlene stammered.

"That you know of, those kids could've been petrified to tell you," He scoffed. "She's not going back."

"No, of course not, we'll just have to find her a new home and-" she started.

"No," Joel interrupted. "She's staying with me. I don't care who I have to fight, she's not going anywhere."

"Joel, you don't even have a proper license, just an emergency one. This isn't an emergency."

"I don't fucking care. Last time she left with you, she got beaten. So she stays with me. I'll apply for a proper fucking license, I don't give a shit as long as she stays with me," Joel snapped, glaring down at the toast as if they had offended him and not Marlene.

"Are you sure?" She asked hesitantly.

"Fucking positive," Joel huffed.

"Alright, I'll send you the online forms," she said. "Thank you. Goodbye Joel."

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