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"Hey! Wait for the others," Joel scoffed. "You don't want to get full before they show up."

Ellie couldn't help the sheepish grin that planted itself on her lips as she got caught eating some of the bread that Joel had made. Dinner rolls , a voice similar to Joel's in her head supplied. "Sorry, dad," she teased. "I'll stay out of the food, swear."

"Good," Joel said, pulling the turkey out of the oven right as the doorbell rang. "Go get the door."

"Aye aye captain," Ellie joked before she raced out of the kitchen to go answer the door. She couldn't remember the last time she had been this excited for christmas.

Her mother always became more unstable as the holiday approached, making it hard for the girl to enjoy it when it meant she got in trouble easier. But this year, as christmas approached, Joel only got more happier. The two of them were excited to spend it together. Their first christmas together.

She wrenched the door open, grinning when she saw Tommy, Maria, Bill, and Frank at the door. "Hey!" She greeted, moving out of the way so that they could come in. Tommy and Bill were carrying two armfuls of bags while Maria and Frank were carrying food.

"Thanks kid," Bill gruffed out, walking over to their christmas tree to deposit the gifts, Tommy following in suite. Tommy let out a whistle at seeing their tree.

"Damn, that's a huge tree," He commented.

Ellie puffed up in pride. "I know, I picked it out. It was my first time doing so and Joel even let me help cut it down."

Tommy grinned at her. "You got a good eye," he said.

"Hey! Dinner's ready, come eat!" Joel called from the kitchen.

Ellie grinned and raced into the kitchen, sitting down at her spot at the table. Joel was moving plates from the counter to the kitchen, humming as he did so. "Told you it wouldn't be long," he teased.

"You were starving me," Ellie groaned dramatically, causing Joel to laugh.

Tommy walked into the kitchen, sitting down next to Ellie on her right, causing her to frown.

"Hey, that's Joel's spot," she said, using her foot to push Tommy gently. "Move over to the other seat. Joel and I always sit here."

"Sorry, kiddo," Tommy said, raising his hands defensively before he moved into the seat next to his chair.

Ellie relaxed as he moved, glancing at Joel who was watching the whole thing in amusement. "You gonna eat with us today or turn into a fossil first?" She teased.

Bill barked out a surprise laugh, glancing at Ellie. "Still such a spitfire," he said.

"Haha, funny," Joel said, though by the look on his face, Ellie could tell that he was amused as he moved to sit down next to her. "Well, what is everyone waiting for? Go on and eat."

Dinner was full of energy, most of it supplied by Ellie who was excited about having her first proper christmas. It was quickly coming up to be one of her favorites and she was starting to understand why everyone loved it so much.

They were gathered around the christmas tree, passing presents back and forth. Ellie had been leaning into Joel's side, his arm on her shoulder. She had gotten a walkman and tapes from Bill and Frank, a pun book from Tommy, and a polaroid camera and photo album from Maria.

She was surprised by how much thought had went into each gift that she couldn't keep it off her face. She and Joel had picked out two fancy kind of wine for Bill and Frank, Joel saying his dads love that kind of wine; and they had gotten Maria and Tommy a stuffed giraffe and Joel had built them a homemade crib for their baby. Maria and Tommy had announced their pregnancy at dinner.

Joel pulled away, making her look up at him. "Hang on, babygirl. I got one last present for you," he said.

Ellie's eyebrows knitted together. "Why didn't you give it to me earlier?" She asked.

"It wasn't ready earlier," he said as he stood up, walking into the kitchen.

She watched him go in confusion before glancing at Tommy who knew Joel the best. Tommy met her eye and just grinned before shrugging. She sighed and waited for Joel to come back.

He returned after a moment, looking nervous and antsy as he held an orange envelope in his hands. He walked over to her, holding it out for her to take before he sat down next to her.

She took the envelope, glancing at him in confusion before she opened it. She slipped her hand inside, pulling a thin white sheet of paper. She read the paper, her eyes widening as she read "CERTIFICATE OF ADOPTION" at the top.

"It just needs your signature," Joel spoke up. "And then it's finished."

Ellie looked at Joel, surprised. "You wanna adopt me?" She asked, voice wavering with many emotions.

Joel smiled softly as he nodded. "I do but you can take your time to think about it-"

"I need a pen," she interrupted. Tommy grinned and tossed her a pen. She caught it before she signed the paper. "You knew, didn't you?"

Tommy chuckled. "Maybe, someone had to keep Joel from falling apart," he teased.

Ellie smiled before she handed the paper back to Joel, shifting nervously.

Joel looked down at the paper before at her. "You want to take my last name?" He asked.

She nodded. "It felt right too, you were the first person to make me feel safe and at home. You're my dad," she said. "As long as that's okay."

Joel carefully set the paper aside before he pulled Ellie into a hug. "More than okay," he said. "I'm so grateful that you came into my life, babygirl." 

She clung onto Joel as she sniffled, her eyes watering. "I love you."

"I love you too," he said, kissing the top of her head. Despite everything she's gone through, Ellie was glad that she had this, this was her home and Joel was her family. She had wished once, for a family that actually loved her and she finally got it. Everything she could've ever wanted was in this room and she couldn't ask for anything better than this.

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