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The loud beeping was going to drive her insane. A soft groan left her lips as her hand fumbled in the air, trying find her alarm clock. Only for pain to shoot up her arm as she moved it. She hissed as her eyelids peeled open, glaring weakly against the bright lights that blinded her. It was all so white and blinding. Where was she? The beeping picked up its pace as her heartbeat also picked up, making Ellie realize that she was in the hospital. Again. Great.

Her eyes landed on her right arm, a large bandage engulfng her arm. Oh, right. She had burned herself to get rid of the burn. Her eyes darted up, looking around for Joel. He was gone, no where to be seen. She took a deep breath, willing herself to calm down. He was most likely getting coffee like last time.

The door creaking brought her out of her thoughts, looking over at it, Marlene's head popping into view. Her eyes widened when she saw that Ellie was awake and she smiled. "You're awake!"

Ellie's eyes widened at seeing Marlene. "Where's Joel?" She asked, moving to sit up.

Marlene held her hands out. "Hey, lay back down, you need to rest," she stated.

Ellie glared at her as she sat up, ignoring the other. "Where's Joel?" She repeated.

Marlene sighed, watching the younger girl as she moved to sit down in the bedside chair. "Joel's at home."

"Why?" Ellie pressed.

"He's being reviewed," Marlene told her. "They need to see if this burn was done by you or by him and then they need to see if  Joel's place is still safe for you go to home too."

"He didn't hurt me," Ellie seethed, glaring heavily at Marlene. "He would never hurt me. I did it to myself."

"I know," she said, sighing. "But we have to be sure. We don't want to risk another David problem."

Ellie flinched at the name before she sighed. "Well when will they be done?"

"I don't know, it could be days or it could be weeks," Marlene admitted.

Ellie's eyes widened. "Days or weeks?" She asked, her voice weak. "I thought it would be hours. Where am I going to go?"

"We have another foster family set up," Marlene informed her.

Ellie shook her head, tears pricking at her eyes as she felt panicked. The last foster family tried to rape her, why would she trust this new one? "Marlene, please," she pleaded. "I don't want a new foster family, I want Joel."

Marlene sighed, her hand flying up to rub at her face. "I'm sorry Ellie, it's out of my hands. Once your doctor clears you then you'll meet your foster family before I take you to get your things."

Ellie's shoulders shook with muffled cries. She had fucked up so badly. She just wanted the bite, not to be separated from Joel. She didn't realize that everything would end up like this.

What if they never let Joel take her in again? What is she supposed to do then? Just stay with some random while the only person who she ever trusted and loved and saw as a dad was alone?

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