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She felt restless. It's been four days since she first went home with Joel. Each day the want to stay with him grew stronger. Yet she knew it was a matter of time before she has to leave. Staying with Joel wasn't an option. He didn't want her. It's why she felt herself pull away despite Joel trying. She wouldn't let herself get attached more than she already was. It would only hurt more. She stayed in her room most of the day, only really coming out for meals. It took a toll of her and she started eating less. She felt awful. She was ready to go now and not later. Anything to spare her from the heartbreak.

"Ellie!" Joel called up the stairs. "Dinner!"

She sighed, getting out of bed and going downstairs. She went into the kitchen, sitting in her unofficial spot. Her plate was already there. Chicken and rice. Along with vegetables. She glanced at Joel who was sitting next to her, already eating.

She picked her fork up, eating it slowly. She didn't feel like she had an appetite, instead feeling sick to her stomach.

"Is it okay?" Joel asked softly.

She glanced at him, confused. "Yeah?"

"What's wrong then? You're normally more enthused when you eat," he commented.

Oh . He was concerned. Well he shouldn't be. "Stop," she huffed. "Stop acting like you care."

Joel raised an eyebrow. "Why do you think I'm acting? If something's wrong then I need to know."

"Why? What's the point?" She asked. "It's not like your my dad. It's not your job so fuck off!"

Joel looked surprised by her outburst. "It is my job, you're under my care which means that I look out for you."

"Yeah well I didn't ask for that! I just wanted to be alone but I can't because you won't leave me alone!" She exclaimed, pushing her plate away as she jumped out of her seat.

"What is going on? What's wrong?" Joel asked, knowing something must've happened for her to act this way. "What can I do to help?"

"You can fuck off, that's what you can do to help," she spat before she took off. She hated how he acted concerned. That's not what she wanted. She wanted him to get angry or upset with her. She needed him to hate her because it would be easier to leave that way. She went up the stairs, stopping when she got to the top of them. Her eyes went down the hall where the room that she wasn't to go in sat. Break one of the rules that Joel put and surely he'll hate her. She took a deep breath, glancing behind her before she went to the room.

She twisted the door, the door popping open. She pushed it open fully and stepped inside. There was a bed covered in pillows and stuffed animals in the middle of the room, with a desk on the other side. Curtains were covering the windows and there were so many pictures, wall decor, and posters up on the wall. The desk was full of papers and books. It looked lived in compared to Ellie's- no, the room she was staying in. It was not her room. She wasn't allowed to stay. She walked into the room, wandering around it to look at everything. Who's room was this? She knew it was a girl's and that they were the same age. She thinks. It was a beautiful room and the girl in all of the pictures with Joel looked so happy. Honestly, so did Joel. But if this was his daughter then where was she?

"Get out," Joel's voice startled her. It was low and quiet. Ellie looked over at him, eyes wide. He looked upset and hurt. It was a look she wasn't expecting, she wanted anger. "Ellie, get the fuck of this room, now. "

Oh, he was angry as well. She gulped but went over to the door. This is what she wanted. She wanted him to be angry at her, yet why was she so upset at what she had done? She left the room, watching as Joel shut the door, basically slamming it shut. She jumped at the force and took a step back. She knew Joel wouldn't hurt her but she also knew that people had a breaking point.

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