Chapter 25: An Investigation Continues

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Time: May 24th, X820, mid-morning

Location: Magnolia

Objective: Embrace the trials ahead

Magnolia bustled in the sunny morning.

"Hey Brett! How's the bread business going?" a middle-aged gray-haired man called as he approached a booth.

"Heya Eddy! It's slowly getting hotter, but business isn't slowing," a fellow middle-aged man with a mustache replied as he sorted baskets of bread.

Eddy rubbed the smooth counter.

"I see you finally got your counter fixed after Adad broke it nearly a month ago," he said with a chuckle.

Brett came over to the counter and leaned in.

"Actually Adad fixed it himself about a week after the whole flooding incident," Brett stated in a low voice.

"He did?!"

"Shh! Shh!"

"Uh! Sorry."

"It's fine. He came by with all of the supplies and patched it right up right around sunset. Then he left a giant wad of jewels as compensation for disrupting the work that day," Brett explained.

He returned to sorting the giant loves into their respective cubbies.

"Wow. Dreadful Dreyar should change his name to Delightful Dreyar!" Eddy remarked.

"Ha ha ha he didn't want me publicizing the event because it would 'hurt his hardcore reputation' or something like that."

"Pffft. Please. Anyone who's lived in Magnolia long enough knows that all Fairy Tail members are giant teddy bears at heart. Some are just more hardcore than others."

"Mhm! Just don't betray them, hurt their members, or steal their children and it'll be a great time."

"Did you hear? There's Sabertooth wizards at the guild hall today!" a lady cried.

The two men looked as two women walked past with shopping bags.

"What?!" the other woman cried. "What business do they have here?!"

"Who knows?"

Brett and Eddy exchanged worried glances.


Location: Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Reiki took a deep breath and looked to the right.

Standing in front of the stage in a line was Raiden, Natsu, Nashi, Gajeel, Metallico, Wendy, Skyler, Erik, and Jace with Blake the Snake coiled around him. Master Laxus stood in front.

His gaze ventured left to see Varsha sitting between Lexi and Addy at a nearby bench, their backs to the guild hall. Her eyes were squeezed shut as she held their hands. Asuka and Everett stood off to the side.

He looked left further to see Master Sting standing next to the bench Varsha sat at. Rogue stood beside him. Floating above their heads were Lector and Frosch, respectively. Behind the Twin Dragons was the Heavenly Twins. Eli and Cal's heads peeked above their fathers'.

Reiki continued his leftward sweep to see Kinana standing off to the side with Laki and Mirajane on either side. Kinana held a lacrima showing Team Freedom anxiously waiting on Tenrou Island. The rest of the guild was packed into the hall while maintaining their distance from the Sabertooth wizards.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2023 ⏰

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