first day

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YOUR POV (2nd person)

you stood in front of your new house while all your cats roamed around sniffing stuff, your parents and brother was still unpacking their stuff meaning you can call dibs on any room literally rn. your eyes sparkled at the thought of a even bigger room and grabbed your stuff and ran inside. you walked around inspecting every room and ended up picking the room with a bathroom connected to it so your bathroom breaks during streams would be shorter. i sat in awh looking at your huge clean room. "YOUR MATTRESS  Y/N!!" "COMING" you ran down and helped my brother carry in the mattress to my room. "oh yeah get ready for school mom signed us up literally a day ago so she didnt forget" "bruh why right awayyyy" "fr though but since i helped you with your stuff you have to help me" 

a few hours later.. 

you collapsed on your bed knowing your gonna have to set up your bed frame and pc tomorrow after school. "UGHHHHH" you screamed into your pillow already feeling the shittyness of being the new kid. i put my phone down a set a alarm for school and fell asleep almost instantly.

"" i heard a faint alarm screaming into my ears and rubbed my eyes. i turned off my alarm and went into the bathroom. i had abt 1 hour and 20 minutes to get ready which meant 10 minute shower, brush teeth,  pick out outfit, dry my hair, and eat all in total is like just an hour. i sighed and grabbed my towel and headed into the shower. 

i got out and wrapped my hair into the towel then brushed my teeth, yes naked. i got out butt booty naked and grabbed some clothes black nike sweatpants, some shoes, and f/s (if you dont like it choose your own idrc) you shoved some gym shoes into your backpack and went back into the bathroom and unwrapped your blow dryer.

after what felt like an hour of drying my hair i went out and was met with my dumb brother sitting on the couch on his phone already done with everything. i grabbed a cup and poured some juice and checked the time. "shit we have 8 minutes till the bus gets here" i mumbled. i decided to double check my outfit and make sure everything is fine. "Y/N GET YOUR ASS OUT THE BUS IS HERE" "OKAYY" i ran out and got on the bus. "SIT DOWN" yelled the crazy bus driver. me and my brother giggled a bit at her crazy voice and hair. surprisingly we were the first bus stop and was kinda glad. we sat at the very back where it has no name tag above the seat. i went on to my phone waiting till we made it to school not caring abt the people getting on the bus. "so when are you starting your next stream on twitch i wanna be in it" "keep your voice down fat ass and once i get my pc set up" "ugh thats gonna take forever" "whatever, you think mom bribed the principle to get us the same classes?" "idk hopefully bc i cant stand having to socialize" "same" some people gave us weird looks and also confused looks but we shrugged it off and continued talking, your brother was like your best buddy you guys talked abt random shit 24/7 and joked around all the time, your main hang out place was literally at any park nearby or library. (wish i had this relationship with my siblings LMAO) i then noticed some obnoxious boys come on the bus cursing each other out while the bus driver not giving 2 fucks on what their saying. i then noticed a weird boy with an orange parka looking directly into my eyes which lowkey made me uncomfortable but i shrugged it off as him being confused. 

we then stopped at school and everyone got off screaming and shouting. "god i hate junior year everyone is so dumb" "real" "stfu fat ass" "what all i said was real!" he giggled while i rolled my eyes. we went to the office and got everything sorted out, right as soon as we stepped out of the office my brother did a silent but still decently loud scream of joy. "YES SAME CLASSES BAYCH" "YUH" we walked around the empty hallways since they're no hallway monitors for some odd reason. "wanna run around until a teacher yells at us?" "YES literally my dream scenario" "okay but lets put our sweaters in our locker bc holly shit its hot in this school" "ikr" after we put our sweaters away we instantly started running and racing each other. "*cough cough* okay okay lets run to first period before it ends num nut" "fine" "okay 3..2..1 GO" we both ran to our class and was out of breath. my brother then opened the door. we both walked in silently and thank god no one noticed bc of how loud the class was. the teacher looked at us like we were some talking chicken and all my embarrassment hit me when i realized how fucking stupid we look. we walked up to her desk and handed her our pass. "uhm were new" "same" i shoved his arm and let out a small giggle. "why are you late?" i looked at her like she was some weird alien from a different planet. "why do you think you fat ass" my brother said which i instantly shoved him, "what did you say?" "nothing ma'am" he then chuckled a bit. "whatever find an empty desk" i sat right behind the kid with an orange parka and a dude with an blue and red hat, my brother sadly had to sit a desk away. they both turned around and looked at me. "hey your new right?" i just nodded slightly not really interested in listening to their little rant. "well im stan and this is kenny" "hey cutie~" i was confused but tried keeping a neutral face. "your name is??" "y/n" kenny kept looking at me up and down which crept me out again but i stayed silent. "thats eric cartman but everyone calls him fat ass" i giggled a little at the weird nickname. "and then thats kyle" kyle looked at us when he heard his name making eric also turn around. he then smiled and waved. i waved and gave a small smile back. "kenny stop looking at her your creeping her out" "i cant help it shes perfect~" "kenny f off shes new she doesnt wanna be another one of your whores on her first day" "so the second day??" "stfu kenny i meant never" "thats to long though" stan seemed well ig kind and sane. the bell rang and i quickly got up and went to my brother. i didnt tell him abt what happened with kenny and stan though i didnt know how to bring it up.

FINALLY GOD THAT TOOK FOREVER. oh yeah im on computer so i dont have autocorrect sorry if something is spelled wrong just fix it in your mind.

words: 1176 February 25 2023

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