obvious jealousy

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kenny had his hoodie off but still had his coat on. his hair looked clean but fluffy and his nose was a little pink. i was looking into his eyes and noticed he had long eyelashes. my heart skipped a beat when he made eye contact with me. "aw are you admiring me" he said with an smirk and put his arm on my head. "my little shawty" "shut up mr corny ass" "oh stop complaining ik you love it" i rolled my eyes and stayed silent. am i falling for him? kenny and kyle were still talking with each other while kenny was holding my hand. "wait y/n have you met this dude named butters?" "is he a blonde?" "yeah and he's kinda childish" "then yeah he's literally so adorable!" "he's also funny asf but anyways why?" "kenny and him are literally gay for each other" "no we're not you dumb ass jew!" "shut up you sound like eric" "your gay?" "no kyle is just being an ass" "you sure bc i'll support you if you gay" i tried my best to hold in my smile and laughter. "no im not gay i like girls!" "name on girl that you've dated" "i haven't dated a lot but i've fucked like 20" kyle shoved his shoulder as an signal to shut tf up. "oh" i instantly felt my stomach dropped when he said that. what kind of ass hole would say that to an girl that already hates him!

"what i'm just saying!" "dude you talk too much" "it did feel good asf though" "mhm" i said bored. i let go of his hand while he continued bragging about the girls he fucked. "kenny quit being an ass hole you have an girl here" "she doesn't care, right?" he looked at me with those beautiful blue eyes and i instantly folded. "no" "see she loves me" "i don't love you dumb ass" he looked at me with that dumb goofy smile. "no need to lie to yourself" "trust me i'm not lying to my self dummy" i said giving him a small push. "everyone knows you love me" i rolled my eyes and stayed silent. "remember red bro she was fine asf with that slim body" "i guess she was good looking, she wasn't really funny or cool though"

i looked at kyle and he looked at me with an expression like 'i'm sorry you have to deal with that' who does he think he is giving me that sorry look? "oh kyle is anyone else coming here?" "no but i could invite some people" "oh no i'll invite them myself, but since i don't have butters number can you give it to me" "sure but why?" "so i could text him later or something he's pretty cute and funny" "oh okay here" he handed me his phone with the contact 'butters' on it. i checked the number and put it in my phone. "do you seriously have to interrupt me dummy" "yeah not everyone wants to hear stories about you banging chicks" "okay imma go sit down and text tolkien bye kyle, bye kenny" "oh bye y/n!" kenny just nodded and continued talking.

hey tolkien??


can you come to the park by that elementary school??

ofc! is anyone gonna be there?

kyle and kenny are here but imma ask some more people that i'll tell you if they actually come

oh okay bye i love you! ❤️

bye i love you too!

i smiled to myself and went to text butters. he said yes but he had to be home before 11 or else he's grounded. i was sitting on my phone and noticed kyle and kenny coming to sit down. this time kyle was talking and they were both laughing. "get a room gay ass" "stfu dumb ass" "okay mr gay" he glared at me and i smiled. i looked around and saw tolkien already entering the park. i smiled and walked up to him. i hugged him and he slowly put his hands on my waist nervously. i giggled at how nervous he was and got off him. "come on dummy" "i'm coming chill" "i have some stuff to talk about later so expect a lot!" i looked at the table and saw butters with kenny and kyle. "o-oh hey fellas i ran over here so you wouldn't have to wait long!" "it's fine butters but your hair is extremely messy!" "oh god i'll get grounded if my parents see my hair like this!?" "still getting grounded over little things butters?" "sadly yes"

i smiled at him and he smiled back before talking with kenny and kyle. "tolkien can we talk some where privately?" "oh- uh sure but why?" "i'll say why" kenny looked at us get up and walk away confused on what we were doing. "where are you guys going?" "i need to talk to him privately brb" "oh- uh okay?" he had that worried look on his face.

we were walking back and tolkien had his arm around my waist while we were walking. kenny looked up snd pointed at us then butters and kyle looked back. butters waved and i waved a little back with an soft smile. i sat down and felt a hand go on my thigh. Tolkien was rubbing my thigh with his hand while he was talking to the guys. "tolkien?" "hm?" "oh uh nothing" i rested my head on his shoulder and turned on my phone. i started playing a game not focusing on what they were saying. "oh shit is that eric?" i felt Tolkien's body shift and i also looked up to see what was happening. "hey bitches!" "hey fat ass" everyone said bummed out besides butters but he's always happy so that doesn't count. i stayed silent and continued playing on my phone. kyle and eric instantly went at each others throat and started arguing. tolkien was braiding a strand of my hair out of boredom and restarted every time he finished it. "i love you" tolkien said before messing up my hair. "i love you too" i said still looking at my phone. he took his hand off my thigh and started talking to butters and kenny.

"did you guys kiss while you were talking about 'personal' stuff or something?" "no dummy" "w-well it does seem like it! my parents taught me the whole cycle of love and it seems like your going through stage 2!" "what's stage two?" kenny looked confused and butters started ranting again. "just kiss already or something no need to be all lovey dovey" kenny said rolling his eyes and putting his head on his hand. "quit being jealous i get more love then you" i shoved tolkien a little signaling to stfu. kenny looked at me with those puppy eyes and quickly looked away. "oh quit being all mad don't worry a girl will come running to your feet very soon" "i don't want just any girl i want you~" he said with that silly wink. i looked away flustered and tolkien noticed instantly. he gave me that cheeky smile saying 'ik what your thinking' making me heat up even more. "yeah yeah shut up dumb ass" i said before fixing my hair. "how come you and tolkien are so close?" "u-uh no reason" crap my stutter makes it even more suspicious. nothing is even going on between us and he doesn't want anything too happen anyways. kenny stayed silent and talked to butters.

WALKING HOME (with kenny)
"are you sure you guys aren't dating?" "mhm" "he had his hand on your thigh though?!" "and he said i love you" "you even said it back!" "plus you let him braid your hair and hold hands!!" "what are you jealous?" "what no?" "you sure?" "duh!" "oh so you don't wanna do any of that stuff with me right" "well- i mean i wouldn't mind" "your lowkey confusing as hell" "no you just make me overthink too much!" i held his hand and he went silent.

DONEEEE YAY! god i wish i had more views so i can get y'all to vote on stuff 😭

words: 1387 march 3 2023

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