mood swings

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i was walking home still flustered from the kiss. i kept on thinking about dirty scenes with her. why'd i leave so fast we could've done more then kiss god i'm so stupid. ugh now imma have to deal with my parents yelling at me and my siblings.

at home
i took a deep breath and unlocked the door. "KENNY!" i heard my dads loud annoying voice but i continued walking to my room. i heard loud heavy footsteps while my mom was calling my dad all sorts of slurs. i closed my door and threw my backpack on the ground. my door instantly was slammed open and my dad came in yelling. i could tell he was drunk but i kept an neutral expression. "WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU?" i stayed silent unpacking my stuff. "YOU BETTER NOT BE GETTING ANOTHER SLUT PREGNANT" "SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU DRUNK USELESS BITCH" i looked at my mom as she walked in yelling at my dad. "DONT TALK TO ME LIKE THAT YOU WHORE" i laid down on my bed listening to my dad throw dishes while my mom screamed at him. at least she distracted him.

i was relaxing looking at the ceiling thinking about y/n when i heard a random loud thud. i shrugged it off but then heard my door unlock. "kenny?" i was surprised at the actual calm voice and turned around. it was my mom. "where were you the whole weekend?" she sounded tired and sad so i felt kinda bad for not responding. "kenny please say something" "i was at a girls house" her expression changed from tired to surprised. "kenny if you got another girl pre-" "no it's not like that.." she was confused and waited for me to finish. "she won't let me do anything and she's actually really nice and isn't an easy girl to get yk?" "oh son.." i had a confused expression not understanding why she would say that. "she won't let you do anything because she's probably not interested in you" "what- no she is interested, she even kissed me!" "a lot of girls have kissed a man and ended up never liking them like that" she said softly. "hey don't tell your dad this but ive kissed a few guys in my life and they've never been well yk the guy?" "oh, so she was just experimenting with me?" "i wouldn't call it experimenting but i guess kinda like trying to find 'him' yk?" she said rubbing my shoulder comforting me. "mhm.." she got up and rubbed my back. "okay kenny i got to go grab your low life father body off the ground before your siblings think he's dead and start screaming" i just nodded and laid back down and pulled up my bedsheets. i don't feel like doing anything today or tomorrow.

i looked at the window and saw y/n with Matthew aka her brother. i smiled at her but remembered my moms words. i just uncomfortably looked away and got on the bus. "yo kenny what's wrong?" i looked at kyle and stan just staring confused at me. "oh my parents just said something that's stuck in my head" "cheer up whatever they said probably is dumb and ain't true" "mhm.." i said looking out the window.

i was grabbing my stuff from my locker and felt a tap on my shoulder. i turned around and saw tolkien? "i kinda forgot you wore a coat but hey" i just gave an confused look and started walking. he ran up to me and walked with me. "so i heard you and y/n kissed?" "yeah it was nothing why was she talking about me?" i noticed my tone go from bored to excited which made me cringe. "well uh not really she just said you guys kissed randomly while ranting to me about random stuff" "oh okay" i felt a lump in my throat but i stayed calm and continued walking. what an ass hole is a kiss really not something to rant about especially from me? am i really not that special to her? why would i care if i'm even considered a friend to her. "well did you like the kiss?" "no i hated it" at least im a good liar.

"oh uh- you sure?" "yes! it was so random and weird i hated it plus what's with all the questions?" "oh no reason" "so what is y/n to you anyways?" "just an friend i talk to from here to there" i said annoyed already. "oh you sure?" "yea" "oh um okay" i walked into class already in a bad mood while kyle and cartman were screaming. stan was being a depressed dumb ass as usual just watching it all happen. "hey stan" "hey kenny" "what's up?" "nothing much why?" "no reason just wanted to check up on your depressed ass" "yeah yeah whatever"

tolkien was walking up to me with an surprised look on his face. "hey tolkien!" "oh hey y/n" "so what did he say?" "uh do you really wanna know?" "duh!" "so first i asked about the kiss which he said he hated it and it was weird then i asked what you are to him like are you a friend or crush like yk and he said just a friend he talks to from here to there" he then exhaled tired from the long ass explanation. "oh" he squinted and pulled the chair next to me. "are you okay-?" he said poking me expecting me to scream. i put my head down and banged my head on the table. "ughhhh.." "why is he so confusing does he even like me!?" "idk anymore he's confusing me too" "can i touch you?" he said calmly because he knows sometimes i get more mad when someone touches me. i just nodded my head staying silent. he brushed through my hair with his fingers and hummed while i melted at his touch. his hands were so soft and gentle against my skin i love this man so much.

i felt like a cat being pet expect i couldn't purr like one. he got up and kissed my head. "i got to go sit back down in my spot before i get in trouble i'm sorry" "okay bye i'll talk to you later!" i said already happy to be talking with him. he got up and walked down to his seat. kenny walked up to me and sat next to me. great what does this asshole want. i stayed silent waiting for him to talk first. "well care to explain the kiss last night?" "you asked for a kiss every day so i just gave you one" "oh so you didn't want to you just did it for me?" "kenny fuck off ass hole idk why your asking questions about the kiss if you didn't even like it" he looked confused but had a face of realization right after. "huh?" he still tried acting confused? what an ass hole.


oh yeah tomorrow i'm going back home since my vacation is over now 🥳😋

words: 1242, march 6 2023

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