ignoring me? *shocked*

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YOUR POV (kinda 2nd person)

i was sitting next to my brother while he was ranting about random shit. "yk??" "mhm" "oh yeah you streaming to-" i just looked him dead in the eye giving him the 'shut the fuck up ppl can hear you' "sorry well are you?" "i still need to finish my set up but if i finish early then maybe" "so can i be in it?" "idk probably they all simp for your crusty voice" "wow i'd like to say its not crusty its hot" "not" "whats your problem anyways your not even arguing with me like usual" "just thinking" "well quit thinking fat ass" "stfu" "sassy ass" i then noticed kenny getting off in front of a dirty run down house. i was confused but didn't wanna judge him so i stayed silent and acted like i didn't notice. maybe thats why he wasn't on his phone at lunch. maybe he has a job? what if he's bratty out of school? should i ask about it at school? maybe i should buy him a phone from my stream savings. i do have a lot! "y/n!!" "huh-" my brother snapped me out of my daze again. "come on this is our stop" "oh uh okay" i looked at our decently big house and felt a smile form on my face. 

"how was school kids?" "fun!" "fine" my mom looked at me and gave a soft smile while my brother went to explain everything to my dad. i walked in my room and saw everything set up? "oh yeah y/n i set up your pc while you were at school!" i smiled knowing my bed frame was easy to set up so i just brought it out of the big box. 

after setting up your bed frame

"finally god damn getting the mattress up wasn't easy at all" my brother came in and jumped on my bed. "if your fat ass breaks it istg" "jeez i wont" i then sat down in my gaming chair and spun around. i then opened twitch and set up everything and hit the turn off camera button. "okay imma start the stream" "okay" i pressed start stream and waited for everyone to hop on. i saw a bunch of 'OMG HEY' and 'HOW WAS SCHOOL??' i smiled and my brother came up behind me. "my brother is with me chat so dont say anything weird" i giggled and my brother had an smile on his face. i was watching chat while opening an f/d. 'you meet any cute dudes?' i felt my face heat up and a cheeky smile forming. "oh i did meet this really flirty dude but he's a big jerk and he's a player. the chat went crazy after i said that making me laugh a little. "chill chat im not gonna date a player" i was watching the chat calm down but then i saw a weird chat, 'sounds like someone from my school he's always flirting with every girl and wears this ugly orange parka' i zoned out but then my brother started talking.   


i was putting my blanket on my bed and getting ready to sleep for another painful day of school. i couldn't get that chat out of my head. that person described kenny literally perfectly. why am i even thinking about it kenny is an ass hole so what if someone knows him or even described him. i sat on my bed and zoned out thinking about kenny. "UGH" i felt like screaming why cant his dumb ass get out of my head i dont even like him. i just met him I've never fell for a boy this fast. i need to stop gas lighting myself lmao. i grabbed my headphones and played some music while writing in my journal. yes i write in a fucking journal leave me alone. i relaxed for a bit and sooner or later i feel asleep.


i woke up with the worst headache and a horrible cramp. i looked at my phone which was at 13%. i looked around my room and noticed my headphones on the floor. i picked them up and put them in their case. i plugged in my phone and grabbed some clothes and a towel and went in the shower. 


i dried my body and put on my clothes. i grabbed my toothbrush and went through my normal morning. i dried my hair and looked at my outfit and was happy with it. i walked out and ofc my brother was already done. i messed up his hair and opened the fridge and grabbed an f/f. i walked back in my room and grabbed my backpack. i looked at the time and we had 5 minutes left. i uploaded my social media and played a risky game posting a picture of irl. i took a simple picture of the floor saying 'heading to school!' i watched as the bus stopped and i quickly got on the bus while my brother held the handle of my backpack while going up. i was on my phone when i heard the same familiar voices come up on the bus. kenny instantly looked at me and i gave a soft smile. surprisingly he didnt even say anything and just sat down talking to his friends. i shrugged it off as maybe he didnt notice me. i went back on my phone and waited for us to be at school. 

at school

i got off the bus last since me and my brother chose the last seat. i was hoping for kenny to wait for us or something but when i got off it was just stan and kyle. "oh hey guys!" my brother started walking ahead but still joining the conversation here and there. "yo where was kenny and eric?" "eric didnt wanna wait and kenny went ahead bc he didnt wanna be late" "oh uh okay" "why?" "no reason" we walked inside and went to our lockers. i saw kenny again and waved but instead he ignored me again and looked the other way. kyle and stan then went with him and they started talking. right as soon as they turned around i stuck the middle finger but quickly put it down when a voice I've haven't heard came from behind me. "who are you sticking the middle finger at little girl?" i turned around and saw the same dude from advisory and third period! "sorry didnt mean to startle you, the names Tolkien!" "oh well uh my name is y/n" "if you dont mind me asking why were you sticking the middle finger at them?" "no reason" "oh uh okay" "sorry for making this awkward anyways your in my advisory and third period right?" "actually i think im in your last period and second too" "oh cool!" "lets go to class before we're late" "ight" we started walking to class while he told weird stories about this school since he's been here long asf.  he opened the door for me and i smiled. "thank you" "np my lady" he said sarcastically. i giggled and saw my brother talking to kenny and his little friend group. i sat down in my seat and waved at Tolkien. he smiled and waved back. kenny kept on making eye contact with me for some reason. "whats his problem" i mumbled. 

yay a actually long chapter ☺

f/d: favorite drink

f/f: favorite fruit

/j: joke

/hj: half joke

words: 1254, february 27 2023

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