Chapter 3

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Note: Before you read this sorry I haven't updated for a while, that is if you're actually reading this.. I know it's going really slow but this chapter is mostly about Veronica's past. AND THANKS to my best friend Shaririiii (dont worry thats not her real name) for editing this fanfic for me. And telling me if it was sucky and changing the crappy bits.


I could hear the birds cooing, the sunlight hitting my eyes which were still tightly shut. I was buried in my duvet and the comfort of my warm bed. I just wanted 5 more minutes of sleep, or so I told myself. But I couldn't. I sat up with great difficulty and I opened my eyes. I am NOT a morning person. I put my feet on the cold ground and walked towards the bathroom. I went in looked at my reflection, my hair looked like somebody had a party on it. 'it's a good thing Zayn's not here to see this.' Wait, where did that thought come from?

Sunday mornings were the best. I brushed my teeth, combed my hair into a neat ponytail had a quick shower and wore my favorite sweats. I had assignments to do.

I walked over to my table and checked my phone, 1 new message. I feel so popular.


Hey sleepy head! Gone out to get us some food. Don't worry I didn't get kidnapped. Aleena :) x


I replied:

Cool, get me a sandwich and coffee And nobody would wanna kidnap you. :)


Aleena: Oh! You're finally up. And that's all you're getting for being lazy and mean. ;)


I realized how hungry I was getting and I wanted to get my mind off things.. I opened my notebook.. I had 1 ongoing assignment and 2 others which I had to complete by the end of the semester. But I hadn't any clue what to do for the My Muse one where I had to pick a person and design a structure based on that person. But I decided to focus on the present and get my 25 perspective sketches done.

I heard a knock went to open the door. Desperately hoping it was Aleena with my food. But it was just a package which my parents had sent. I signed and took it in.. It was a pretty big box. I opened it and all of my stuff was in it, my books, my CD's, my posters, my photo albums, some of the goodbye cards I'd received from my friends for every time I moved to different places.

I opened the album of photos, the first page was a picture 2 happy girls in the beach on a warm summer day. My sister, Viola and I. We looked like twins but she was the beautiful, graceful one albeit shorter than me. While I was the clumsy one out of the two. I felt a lump in my throat as I pinned the photo up on my soft board and all the memories came back to me.



"Hey mom, were's Viola?" I asked.

"She's gone out for the weekend with her friends." She said

"Oh, she didn't tell me she was going out this weekend." I said.

Viola and I were very close, we rarely ever fought. (unless we stole each others clothes or shoes) We told each other everything and never kept secrets from each other.

The doorbell rang and I went to open it, there were lights flashing and a tall man wearing a police uniform stood in front of me. "Hi, can I speak to Mrs. Sarin?" He asked. "Um, sure let me get her." I said.

I walked back to the front door with my mom by my side.

"Mrs. Sarin there's been an accident involving your daughter Viola. And we'd like you to come with us."

My mothers eyes were wide in shock, tears streaming down her cheeks. It was too much for her to take in all at once. I didn't know what to feel, my thoughts completely cluttered.. was she ok? Is she alive? I ran up to find my phone and call up my dad who had been at work. He said he had already gotten a call and was on his way to the hospital.

We rushed to the hospital,and I hoped to god that she was ok.. I can't lose my best friend, my sister.

We went in and found my dad asking for where she was, they took us into a trauma room. Aptly named.

My sister lay there, the doctor calling her time of death.

Everything went silent. My body felt numb. I felt like my legs were made of jelly supporting my body which felt like it weighed as much as a ton of iron. I couldn't see much because the tears blurred my vision. My mother by my side crying uncontrollably and my father trying to console her while he was in tears himself. The first time I had ever seen my father cry.

I walked towards my sister. I wanted to scream, I wanted to cry forever. I touched her ice cold arm. It dawned on me that I would never ever hear her voice again. I'd never talk to her, never laugh with her, argue with her. I felt nauseated. I turned on my heels and ran, ran as fast as I could till I was out of the hospital. I ran till my legs could take me. I ran hoping I could run away from this and find her safe and sound at home. I stopped when I couldn't breathe or take another step. I threw up until I had nothing left inside of me.


"IMM BAACK." I heard Aleena's voice. I quickly wiped if the tears on my cheeks and turned towards her.

"Hey.." I said.

"What's wrong?" Aleena asked me.

"It nothing. Really." She saw me holding a bunch of photos.

"Missing your family huh?"

"Yeah, you could say that" I replied.

"I've got you your breakfast, you must be starved." She said. "Oh by the way Zayn's coming today. And I've got the whole college festival planning committee meeting thing, so you're gonna have to entertain him. Don't look so worried its Just for a while until I get back." She said noticing the expression on my face.

"I'm gonna have to be alone with him? Just me?" I said.

"Yeah, you AND him." She said

"But what would I say?"

"You guys seemed good to me yesterday when we were watching the movie. I think you two will enjoy each others company. Actually... I might even think that you like him." She said.

I could feel my ears burn red. "What makes you think that?"

"Oh, I dunno. Just my Aleena vibes picking up some signals."

What is she talking about I thought.

"Ok bye I'm gonna be late if I don't go and Mindy would steal all my good Ideas."

She left me eating my sandwich.

I thought about what she said, about me liking Zayn. Maybe I did. Or it's just her trying to get me to stay here and talk to him. What was I gonna sit here and talk to him about? I finished my breakfast washed my hands and got back to my 10th sketch.

*knock knock* "Aleena open up! It's Zayn."

I stood up straight, looked in the mirror to fix my hair and check for anything stuck in my teeth. 'Why do I care so much' I thought.

I smiled wide and opened the door. "Hi!" I said. I couldn't help but notice how attractive he was, I could look at him for ages and never get bored.

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