Chapter 8

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"Ron, what's the time?" Aleena asked me staring up at the the airport schedule board.

"4:23 PM" I said to Aleena who was searching to see if our flight was delayed.

Where was Zayn?

"WHERE IS HE? WE SHOULD BE PAST SECURITY BY NOW!" Aleena was always paranoid before taking a flight.

"Should we call him?"I asked her.


She was basically yelling in the middle of the bustling airport. People looking over at us giving us death stares.

"You're already yelling Al, if you get any louder only dogs would get you." I said as I took Aleena's phone to dial Zayn.

He picked up after a couple of rings.

"Aleena I'm sorry I don't know if I can make it, rehearsals went on a little later than I thought." He said before I could say anything.

"Well in that case you better be happy that its not her on the phone cause she looks like she's ready to kill." I said.

(Zayn's POV)

The second I heard Ronnie's voice I knew I had to get on that plane.

(Veronica's POV)

" Ok, I'll try making it to the next flight then.. You guys just go ahead." I heard his voice over the phone. My heart sank. I was really looking forward to seeing him again.

"Okay, we'll go ahead." I said. My voice soft. I really hope he'd make it. I didn't even try hiding my disappointment.

"I'll try making it okay? Bye.." He said quietly.

I kept the phone. Aleena looked at me expectantly. "Well? Where is he?"

"Umm, he told us to go ahead." I told her. I wasn't going to tell her that he might not actually come. She looked like she could punch someone. And by someone I mean me. Or Zayn. And I didn't want either of those things.

"Fine. Lets go." She said gathering her bags.

"Um.. And he said he was probably.. Um gonna take the next flight out cause he's not.. Gonna make it." I said.

"WHAT???!" She screamed. Oh no.


We showed our boarding passes and passports to the lady at the desk. We were just about to walk through the gates to board the plane.

"VERONICA!" I heard someone call my name. I turned to see Zayn, resting his palms on his knees, "I made it.." He said panting slightly.

(Zayn's POV)

She came running towards me and before I knew it her arms were around me. I lost my balance and I wrapped my arms around her preventing both of us from falling down. I could smell her shampoo as she held onto me tightly, it smelled coconutty and something else i couldn't really place it, and I felt my heart do a triple flip. Her mere presence did that to me.

I felt her arms loosening and I let go reluctantly. I looked at her, she was looking down on the ground. She couldn't look at me. This made me smile, she was so pretty. She was so innocent...

(Veronica's POV)

I just realised what I'd done. In front of everyone. I couldn't look him in the eye.

"FINALLY, can we get going now?" Aleena said not realising what happened, or maybe she expected it.

I looked up to Zayn, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that...." I said looking down embarrassed.

"Don't worry about it, I should come late more often." He said winking at me. A grin plastered across his face.

"Don't push it, I don't think Aleena would be as forgiving the next time." I couldn't help but smile as we followed Aleena onto the plane.


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