Chapter 5

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Veronica's POV

My alarm rang at 7:15, I threw a cushion at Aleena, today was her turn to get ready first. She got up went into the bathroom and I slept for a little longer.

Aleena's POV.

I got dressed, brushed my hair and teeth. Made myself look presentable to the world, and walked out to the room where Ronnie was fast asleep.

"WAKKE UUP!" I said as I pulled off her sheets. She got up, walked zombie like in to the bathroom tripping over things on her way there.

I heard my phone beep, I opened the message.


Zayn: hey Aleena.. What's happening? You free today? The boys are all out and I've got nothing to do. :/


I replied: Morning Zayn :) not much really we've got classes today. What about moping Millie? Isn't she there?


Zayn: nah, things are kind of over between us. She got on my nerves.

We were never really serious anyway..


Me: Finally! all of us hated her anyway. :P

You should come over for lunch or something :)


Zayn: would Veronica be there?


Me: yep.. Be here by 1pm then :) x


I'm starting to think that these two like each other.

"VERONICA! You might wanna put a little more effort into how you look today cause Zayn's coming for lunch!" I screamed so she could hear me over the sound of the shower.


Veronica's POV.

It was midweek, sitting in our morning half class sessions. Today we were doing colours. I always loved colours.. They made artwork lively and fun. Colour schemes were always a favorite part of my design.

It was a beautiful warm sunny day, I wanted to get out and go for lunch as soon as possible. I was completely sure that I had a crush on Zayn now. But I didn't think he'd feel the same way. He had Millie.

Nevertheless I dressed extra nice today.. Put on a little more effort into my hair and makeup.

We walked from our academic block to the cafeteria. I was just in a good mood today. And I think Aleena noticed that I was being happier than usual. Maybe she knew I liked Zayn.

We sat at our usual table at one corner of the room. Connor, Aly and Derek would usually join us but Connor and Aly wanted some alone time and Derek had a lot of pending work.

So it was just going to be Aleena, Zayn and myself.

I had my drawing of Zayn in my folder, which he left behind in my room.

"What are you thinking so deeply about? You haven't said two words since we finished class." Aleena asked me.

"Oh, it's nothing.. Just, stuff." I replied vaguely.

"You just get weirder and weirder everyday. And that's why we're best friends!" Aleena said.

Zayn's POV.

I didn't know how I was feeling. All i knew is that I liked spending time with her. There was more to her than a giggly squeaky girl. And ever since last weekend i couldn't stop thinking about Ronnie.

I was happy that I was going to see her for lunch.

I walked into the cafeteria and scanned the room. It wasn't hard to find them, Veronica stood out from the others. Its funny when you like someone, they're the first person you notice when you walk into a room. Her and Aleena laughing were over something. Suddenly Ronnie looked up straight at me like she knew i was already there, and waved me over to the table.

I couldn't help but smile.

"Hey guys!" i said taking the seat next to Ronnie's.

Veronica's POV

Aleena and i were making fun of our history of Architecture professor.

I suddenly looked up to the door, and i saw him, Zayn, looking at me, i smiled and waved at him to come over.

"Hey guys." he said. Zayn took the seat beside me.

"Waited long for me?" Zayn asked.

"Just a few minutes.." Aleena said.

"Oh yeah, before i forget.. You left the drawing back in the room the other day.." I said to Zayn.

"I was just gonna ask you about it.. thanks" He said taking the drawing.

"How come you're blessing us with you're presence.. So where are the other boys?" Aleena asked.

"Well, its our day off and Liam and Louis are spending time with their girlfriends and Niall's back home with his family and Harry had some work to do.." Zayn replied.

"What about Millie?" I said.

"We broke up.."

"Really? .. I mean why what happened?" I said trying to very badly cover up my inner joy.

"I was afraid i was going to go deaf if i spent anymore time with her." Zayn joked.

"Well I'm glad you did cause i never liked her anyway" Aleena said.. "I just though you did so we never said anything about it."

"And i also think I'm starting to have feelings for someone else..." Zayn said.


"And who might this mystery girl be?" Aleena asked Zayn.

"I don't think I'm going to tell you yet.." Zayn said.

"Do we know her?" I asked him..

"Maybe." He replied.

UGH why was this so hard?

"So when will you tell us who she is?" I asked.

"You'll find out after i tell her" He said to us..

"And when are you going to tell her?" Aleena asked Zayn..

"Don't know yet.. still have to find out whether she likes me back." Zayn said.

I hate this.. Guys i like are either famous, too hot for me or they like somebody else. And Zayn was all three of these.

The rest of lunch Aleena tried to find out who Zayn liked and we spoke for a while until we had our afternoon sessions of class. We walked out of the cafeteria and Zayn had to leave. I didn't want him to go. I wanted to spend some more time with him. But i couldn't skip class, we went our separate ways. I turned one last time to look at him. And he was already looking at me. He smiled and waved goodbye to me and I returned the gesture. Every little thing he did made my heart flutter and ache at the same time. But what if he did like me? What if I was the other girl? I hate giving myself false hope.

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