Chapter 12

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(Veronica's POV)

I was sitting in the eerie darkness in the kitchen, alone. I wasn't really sleepy, so I was getting myself a midnight snack. Sometimes I needed the silence for peace, sometimes silence was the scariest noise.

But it didn't last for long, I heard the front door open, after a few seconds I heard a loud crash. I couldn't really see who it was but I could guess by his silhouette, it was Zayn.

Was he just getting back?

He stumbled over nothing, he was probably drunk or something.

"Zayn? You alright?" I asked.

"Whoops, didn't see you there. You almost scared me." He said walking past me into the kitchen.

"Do you want anything?" I asked him, he was drunk.

He didn't say anything..

"Let me get you some water." I offered him.

"My head hurts.." He mumbled sitting on the kitchen counter.

I handed him the glass of water.

"How much did you have to drink?" I asked him.

"Don't know.." He said, he pinched the bridge of his nose in between his thumb and index finger.

"What are you doing up? I thought everyone would be sleeping.." Zayn said.

"Couldn't sleep." I said.

"Where are the other boys?" I asked him.

"They're still out." He said trying to massage his temples.

"Here, let me help you with that." I said reaching up to his forehead and massaging it with my thumb.

"Thanks.. The feels better."

I could feel him start to relax.

"Ronnie.." He said while I was massaging his temples.


"I like you." He said.

"Aww, I like you too Zayn." I replied.

"Noo, I mean I liiike you." He said getting off the counter.

"You're drunk, Zayn."

Did he mean it?

"No I'm not, I'm finee!" He said.

"Do you need help getting upstairs?" I offered.

"No I can go myself, I'm alright." He said, he tripped over air. "Whoopsie."

"Maybe you do need my help.." I said pulling him up.

I put his arm over my shoulders to support him up the stairs. I was pretty much walking for him. Getting him up the stairs was a tough task. Especially with him mumbling constantly and being much bigger than I was.

His room was all the way in the end off the hallway. He had it all to himself until the next day when Harry would be coming. He rested his head on my shoulder. We reached his room door. I opened it and I helped him in. He took of his shoes and his jacket. He walked towards me. He was so close.

His perfect face illuminated with the moonlight that streamed in through the window.

His Hazel eyes were piercing into my dark green ones. God, he was beautiful. I felt him moving closer to me until our noses were almost touching. I could feel his hot breath on my cheek. He looked down to my lips and slowly leaned into me until there wasn't any space left between us. His lips brushed against mine it was soft, it was cool but fiery at the same time. My thoughts were unclear, there were butterflies in my stomach.

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