Chapter 10

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"Who wants to play a game of charades?" Saira said. She was one if Zayn's cousins. We were about 9 of us right now but Harry and two of Aleena's and Zayn's cousins were going to join us later.

So we decided to divide ourselves into groups of three. Aleena, Zayn and I were in one group. Saira, Javed, and Javed's friend from college George were in another group and Sanya, Samir and Taariq were the last group.

(Aleena's POV)

I loved being back here again, with all my cousins. It sucks how we lose contact. I've only been with constant touch with Zayn. We always have new stuff to tell each other though. But these reunions are always something I look forward to every year, ever since I was 15.

We all played couple of rounds, but Veronica was being very quiet. She participated in the game but she had a distance in her eyes, like she wasn't fully here. And I couldn't understand why. Was she not having fun?

"OKAY, I've got a movie" Sanya said.

"Who's turn is it to act it out?'

"Mine." Veronica said getting up and going towards Sanya.

Sanya whispered the movie's name into Veronica's ear. Her expression became rigid. She froze.

She started miming the number of words and her eyes started to tear up.

"I'm sorry, excuse me." She said and she made her way past us and left the room wiping off her tears.

Zayn started to tense up "What movie did you give her?" He asked Sanya.

He thought that they probably said something to offend her.

"The Sisterhood of traveling pants" she said. "Why's she upset?"

"I'm going to to check on her." Zayn said.

"Um, no wait. I'll go." I said standing up and following Veronica's steps.

I walked up to the room Veronica and I were sharing, she sat slouched on the edge of the bed, sobbing uncontrollably. I didn't know what brought this on? Veronica seemed alright before.

I say beside her and have her a hug. "What's wrong, Ron?" I asked her.

She didn't say anything. She wiped her tears off her cheeks and took a deep breath.

"My sister." She finally said. Her voice barely audible. "That was our favorite movie.. We watched it all the time." She said in between sobs.

I listened. In these situations it's always best just to listen because you might say something to make it worse.

"She died, two years ago." She said.

What? I didn't know that my best friends sister had died? She never told me this before.

"I'm so sorry Ron.. We didn't know, you never told me this."

"I wanted to tell you, but it's just something that I've learned to live with.. I never thought I'd have to bring it up." She said.

"Is this why you've been quiet the past few days?" I asked her.

"Mmhmm." She nodded. "And it's just everything's reminding me of her again."

"You shouldn't push your feelings deep inside you, Ron. It's only going to make it worse." I said. I just realised that Veronica wasn't the happy girl I thought she always was. She hid her real self. She hid her feelings deep inside of herself.

"The day I found out was the worst day of my life, I just thought shutting it out..." She said.

"Would make it go away?" I completed her sentence.

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