Chapter Twenty Four

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When they made it to the river of death, Violet was surprised at the lack of killing she had to do.
There was nothing.
No one.
Joel pointed his gun up to the sky and shot once, making the birds fly quickly away but still there was no retaliation. Ellie spoke sarcastically,

"The River of Death. Still no people."

Joel huffed and rolled his eyes as he nodded before Ellie started to try to whistle. It was nothing remotely even like a whistle but it made Violet laugh nonetheless, causing Ellie to look at her like the sun just began shining.
Violet's face dropped as she turned around, trying to breathe again.
She would always fail the people she loved, it was inevitable.

Violet worked so hard to keep Lily alive and most of all she lost her humanity.
Lily was the only part left.
The only reason she stayed alive.
How do you live when your person, your purpose is dead?
What do you do?

Violet felt eternally guilty for any happy emotion she felt, it was her fault. She never should've left her sister, she never should've even let her come on the trip.
She sometimes wished that she had died with her parents, then they would all be together, instead of her being the last one alive.
Being alone, her worst fear.

With Lily by her side, she had a motive to stay alive and to fight.
Without her, she was struggling to keep herself from drowning in grief, her sister's letter and words stayed in the back of her head always.
Maybe even fall in love.
Lily was clueless,
love just brought pain.
Joel would leave her, Ellie would leave her and then she'd be alone again.
Ellie spoke as they walked,

"I'm learning how to whistle."

Joel rolled his eyes and questioned, turning to face Violet, who's eyes stayed pinned to their surroundings.
Joel hated how much he cared about the women. After Sarah.... After Tess.
All the people he had failed.
Joel knew that he couldn't fail another person, Violet thought the same.

"You don't know how to whistle?"

Ellie deadpanned Joel, making a funny face before replying full of sass.

"Does it sound like I know how to whistle? Seriously, though, how the fսck do you do that?"

Violet spoke turning back to Ellie before walking forward,

"Honestly I don't know how to whistle either."

They continued forward, Violet moving in front of them wanting to be the first to be attacked if anything was happening, it's morbid but she didn't care. She didn't care whether she died or lived. She just wanted to sleep without nightmares plaguing her vision. Joel answered Ellie making Violet hide a laugh.

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