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I don't know why but I have a habit of going to work early and enjoying my time in YG's cafeteria. Some workers are already there starting the day early but the kpop idol isn't here yet. After eating 'breakfast' I went to an empty practice room and played my favorite song to warm up while waiting for Jihoon and some of my dance students.

While I was taking a break someone walked in and it was Jihoon with some of the treasure's members. He looked nervous to talk to me but he did say something. He tells me to come with him to a corner for an easier private talk.

"Sunshine," he said. "I'm sorry about what happened in the past and I want to be forgiven." He slightly looks down and sighs a bit.

"Jihoon," I said. "I do want to forgive you but I can't force myself to be not uncomfortable when you are around, Valkyrie doesn't like when you are near her but if you can promise me you can help me forget about the past."

"Hey, can we practice now?" Hyunsuk asked and the 'Hello' dance practice started. I saw at my normal spot watching the dance practice closely but today Hyunsuk is also dancing with them. Everything was going great when it started but the pre-chorus members weren't that in sync with each other and it looked weird.

"At the pre-chorus, everyone is not in sync, it looks kinda weird," I said. "Let's do it again, from the pre-chorus." I stand in front of the mirror to watch the movie again and it looks better now but I'm still not okay with it. "Jihoon don't bend too low, not even with other members. Everyone else is even, let's do it again."


Today practicing was tiring and Sunshine wasn't happy with the pre-chorus. I feel disappointed since I'm the main dancer and I couldn't fix my mistake.

"Hyung, don't feel sad," Asahi said. "We all make mistakes and it's okay to be fixed by a dance teacher." I said on the couch watching Sunshine practicing pre-chorus with other members helping them get into sync with everyone else after the group pre-chorus finished Sunshine calls me over to practice together while everyone is out on the break.

"Jihoon," I said. "Let's start from the pre-chorus." She didn't move much, just did some basic moves while watching me closely. From what I searched on google yesterday night, it said a girl-like dancer who can dance well and is strong, so I'm trying to impress her. "Good, you can take a break."

After I sat down Hyunsuk hyung brought a drink for everyone and himself a coffee, usually break lasted around 20 minutes, and after the break was over Sunshine suggested practicing the choreography again before lunchtime. When the pre-chorus came I looked over and saw Sunshine looking happy because everyone did the choreography in sync after practice was over . I do want to ask her out for lunch but it would be weird.

"Sunshine, do you want to get lunch together?" I ask bravely. "I know a good restaurant nearby and it is within walking distance." She nodded and followed me but she went with me. I think it was time for her leg pain medicine and I waited for her to put on a bucket hat and mask, probably this is her way to not get caught by fans.

"Are you afraid to get caught by a fan?" I asked and she nodded. "Don't worry they won't harm you, let pinky promise. I promise to protect you forever." She promises me and we continue to walk. Asahi and Yoshi also came along so she can get to know them better.

When we got to the restaurant it wasn't that full, there were some fans but they were respectful and only waved a bit to us.

"What do you want to eat?" I ask Sunshine. "Maybe you can try the most popular food here." She nodded and I ordered for everyone, I don't know why but I can tell she was more comfortable with me today. When the food came out she immediately ate. "Didn't you eat breakfast?"

"No, I usually have lunch early," she answers. "After my accident, the doctor gave me a meal plan and I have been following it. That's the way I leave work early." It went silent again until Asahi asked Sunshine a question.


I don't know why I agreed to go eat lunch with Jihoon today, maybe I want to forgive him and everything in the past. He wasn't talkative while eating but I could tell he had a lot of things to say but didn't know how to say them.

"Sunshine, how did you get into an accident?" Asahi asks. That question caught Jihoon's attention and he was giving a bit of a glare to them. "Sorry hyung I won't ask anymore. Sorry, Sunshine."

"It's fine," I said. "It's a long story, maybe one day I will tell but right now is not a good idea." And the silence came once again, Jihoon volunteered to pay for the lunch and I walked next to him without saying anything. "Jihoon, why do you always glare at someone when they do something wrong?"

"I don't know, it became a habit for me," he answered. He was talking to me, and my ex-boyfriend somehow found us and started to be annoying. "She doesn't need you to ruin her life again, go away."

"Are you her new boyfriend now?" my ex-boyfriend asks. "Woah, being close to an idol. I never knew you were this type of person, Sunshine." He tries to touch my hair but Jihoon pushes him away and that is when the guard from the other shop comes. "I will get you back."

He got dragged away by the security guard and thankfully for Jihoon he didn't do anything to me, the walk back to YG was quiet and peaceful until my phone went off because Hyunsuk was calling. When I picked up he was yelling asking where I went and not telling him, even though Jihoon spoke to him he was still mad. When I got back to YG building Hyunsuk was standing by the front desk waiting for me, Jihoon went up to him and talked.

"Sukie, sorry for not telling you," I said. "But I brought your favorite food, stop pouting." He smiled and took the food. Everyone was shocked at how I calmed down Hyunsuk with the food. I don't have a schedule with Treasure for the rest of the day but I do have another break. Today's break is boring because I got nothing to do and bothering Hyunsuk wasn't an option today.

"Don't you have a private dance lesson today?" Hyunsuk asks as I walk into the studio. "You can stay and watch, are you free the rest of the day?"

"Yeah, the trainee just canceled a dance lesson for private reasons," I answered. "Which means I will be bored for the day."

He laughed at me and continued rap training. I sat on the couch trying to not be so bored but after Hyunsuk was done, vocal training started and he whined to me how much I made the group practice this morning.

"I'm the nice dance teacher," I whisper to him. "No one else is complaining, just you."

"He is always complaining," Haruto said. "Jihoon Hyung is the one who tries to stop his whining but it never works."


Chapter 6 is finished. What do you think? Do you think Sunshine is finally opening up to Jihoon?

Healing - P. Jihoon🦈Where stories live. Discover now