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Hyunsuk Hyung calls everyone up early because we need to clean up the cottage and end the T-map episode for leaving for the airport. This episode was successful even though some parts are not filmed but I think fans would get the idea of it.

"Guys, let's make a video message to my family for this lovely cottage," Sunshine said. "Dear mom and dad, we are thankful for this cottage that you rent for this T-map episode." After the video ended a look alike golf cart came to pick us up, it was a pretty big one so two can fit us all. Outside of the trail a bus waited for us so it could leave for the airport. For this flight I got to sit next to Sunshine and I was happy.

The weather was nice so the plane landed in South Korea in no time and fans were already waiting outside but this time they are more pushy and close, my blood boiling when a fan accidentally pushed Sunshine.

"Hey, come closer to the middle," I whisper to her. One of the bodyguards saw the struggle of Sunshine so he walked beside her pushing some fans away. I already promised to protect her and I will fulfill that, I sigh when I sit down on the bus. It is so stressful walking through the airport with an obsessed fan. "Sunshine, are you okay?"

She nodded and I was happy, after arriving at YG she left immediately for the vet hospital to see Val. Today there was no schedule and I'm glad to be home again, I miss my cozy room and warm bed. The cottage was great but nothing is better than home and how Hyunsuk hyung is telling everyone to rest for tomorrow's rehearsal.


After arriving at YG I immediately drove to see Val at the vet. The doctor said she was out of critical condition but they didn't have any clue when she woke up.

"I know it's tough," the caregiver said. "But let's fight through it together. Does your parent know?" I nodded and wiped my tears, Val sleeping peacefully at the hospital bed. I didn't stay long since there was nothing I could do besides cry so I went to find Hyunsuk, he doesn't know about this yet.

He gave me the address of his dorm and I rush there after arriving. I call Hyunsuk for a private talk, my tears come out nonstop while trying to tell him about Val.

"Hey, let's not think of the sad side," he said while hugging me. "I will be with you fighting through this sadness, no matter what happens I'm always here." I lean on his shoulder and cry for a while. "Come with me." He pulled me toward his dorm to meet Jihoon. I couldn't tell Jihoon because my trust toward him isn't there yet but Hyunsuk wants me to say something.

"Jihoon," I said while looking down. "For the next couple of days we should avoid each other and act more like staff and members. I'm sorry to say this but your obsessed fan puts pressure on me when I'm near you and Val in the hospital already stresses me enough."

I showed him the current rumor and he was speechless after the time Jihoon invited me to lunch and having it together at Jeju island fans aren't happy about it and this rumor/news was putting pressure on me.

The news said: Temue isn't happy about Sunshine, dance mentor, who is always close to Jihoon, the treasure leader.

Before Jihoon could say anything I left quickly, making him surprised but there was nothing else to say. I don't want to ruin his career and the best choice is to avoid each other.


After hearing what she said I felt like my world was going to collapse. I still don't understand how some fans would do that, tears continued to fall out of my eye as I read the rest of the article.

One part said: Teume believed Sunshine's request to work with Treasure to be close to Jihoon.

I was pissed off, why can fans believe in such a thing like that? She doesn't have a choice to choose which group to teach, everything is controlled by the manager even if she knows the manager doesn't change anything. I sat on the couch while looking at the picture we took together. She is happy and smiling just like how she would do back in high school.

"I can't believe fans would make a random rumor just to put pressure on Sunshine," Junkyu said. "She is such a sweet person and great dancer, it's going to be different in the dance practice room tomorrow."

After Junkyu finishes talking, the manager calls to talk to us and I know it's going to be about this, I don't have anything to say. The manager doesn't look too happy when I walk into the meeting room, this rumor could affect the group's popularity and image.

"Two rumors and your 2nd anniversary just happened," the manager said. "Do you imagine how badly this would ruin your popularity when you guys are in the senior group? Starting tomorrow Sunshine will only teach dance and interaction will be less, Hyunsuk I know this is hard for you but you need to lessen the interaction."

This is the worst meeting ever. Even though Hyung has to lessen the interaction, fans are out of control nowadays. The car ride back home was quiet, even Junkyu, the most cheerful one looked sad. Now I don't know how to confess without getting into a big problem.

On the way home I watch Hyunsuk hyung call Sunshine telling her about the news, this my first time seeing Hyung this sad since predebut. It would be hard trying to live and forget about someone you like but if it is for my career and group I will force myself.

I went to bed immediately after arriving home, today is a long day plus a bad rumor. I'm extremely tired, I was about to sleep when Sunshine texted me.

The message said: Dear Jihoon, I'm sorry for causing trouble to your group and you. I sincerely apologize, I received a message from the manager and Hyunsuk already. Just think I'm a normal dance teacher that you don't know at all, just pretend we never knew each other and pretend you are cold just like we first met in highschool. Don't worry about me. I will be fine, I hope you are happy with your career and with your fans, sorry for causing you trouble with the manager. Sincerely sorry. From Sunshine.

I broke down crying after reading this, how can I act toward someone I truly like and care about? It hurt a lot of me but what about Hyunsuk hyung? I can't imagine the pain right now for him, she is his best friend for so long.

"Jihoon," Hyung yells from the outside. "Sunshine sent me a message and I don't want to read it, I know it's going to be sad."

Message to Hyunsuk: Dear my best friend/big brother Hyunsuk, I want to apologize for causing trouble with the manager. You have been my best friend for life and it hurts to write this but your career and group is more important than mine. I hope you have a good time with your members and fans. I will be happy for you from afar not next to you anymore, if this continues it will hurt you and me. 5 years of friendship thank you for everything Hyunsuk.

"Hyung," I said while crying. "How can I be cold toward someone I like? How can I forget her?"

"Hyung, don't worry we will help you overcome it, come out to the living room," Haruto said. In the living everyone gathers up. "We are all sad about this, especially the two oldest members. We will show our happy side to Teume."

"Hyung, I know you are sad but let's think what is best for you and her," Yoshi said. "I'm for sure you don't want anything to happen to Sunshine and she doesn't want to see you cry like this."


Sorry for an unexpected sad chapter, I will end it here since it will be super long if I continue. Will Jihoon overcome his sadness? Will he forget Sunshine and Hyunsuk hyung forget too?

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