A Tsumani of emotions.

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As the rest of the gods played on the surface they all noticed the water stayed still.

Obanai:Sanemi, give him his waves.

Misturi:No he is sleeping what if he wakes up?

Shinobu:He will be fine. Go ahead.

Sanemi:Fine! Just for a second.

Sanemi sent a gush of wind into the sea causing waves. He only did it once but water seemed to keep being distressed.

Shinobu:Strange. The wind stopped.

Obanai:I vote Sanemi goes into the water.

Sanemi:No why me!?

Obanai:Cause you made the waves.


The water started to make it's own waves they were big and strong.

Misturi:Oh my. This is scary.

Uzui:I hear whimpering?


Uzui:Tomioka, is scared.

Sanemi:Of what there is nothing in the water.

Uzui:We should call Master he seems to be in pain.



Master:Yes Sanemi?

~There is something wrong with Tomioka, he is under water but his waves are becoming violent and Uzui said it sounds like he is in pain.~

Master:Oh my, I will be there quick.

Within the minute the Master arrived.

Master:He is in the water?


The master stepped into the violent waters and picked Tomioka out of the water he was squirming in his sleep.

Then he shot up letting out a scream and the waters went dead.


He didn't say anything but started to cry. It started to rain.

Uzui:Sanemi don't you control the weather?

Sanemi:Yes but his water is in my clouds so he could technically make it rain.

Master:Oh......this is my fault, I'm  sorry Tomioka....

He hugged Tomioka and calmed him down. He then ascended back to their godly home with Tomioka.

Leaving the other gods on earth.

Sanemi:It stopped raining.

Misturi:The ocean is going away.

Shinobu:This is why we couldn't leave to earth without him, the water, the moon wouldn't exist without him.

Rengoku:The sun is coming up again.

They all relaxed though their minds weren't at ease. Within a few hours the Master returned.

He placed Tomioka on the floor and he looked upset the ocean re turned and he walked into the water leaving them there.

Master:He is unstable, please take care of him. I messed up his mind. He remembers his past how he died and it haunts him. It was my fault because I looked into his life right before he died.

Sanemi:Master so he remembers everything?

Master:Yes, ge remembers his human life, he remembers dying and loosing his loved one. But I must go now, please call me it this happens again.

He ascended back home leaving them confused. They all look towards the water, they would go in there but they don't know how to swim and they are to scared to try.

They all sighed and left him to play.

Timeskip to a few days later.


Misturi:Why would you say that? We are siblings.

Tomioka:We are not. I am different, we all are. We came from different worlds, different time lines.

They all looked at him shocked about what he was saying.

Tomioka:I will say it again, I will stay on earth but do not speak to me. I will do my job but do not speak to me.

Obanai:But why we spent thousands on thousands years together!?

Tomioka:Because I hate you. I hate this place I want to go home, to the life that was stolen from me but I can't do that so I will leave the thing I hate most. This fake family.

He walked into the ocean and before he went fully into the water Sanemi yelled.

Sanemi:Tomioka! I am gonna make waves everyday to disturb you waters! I am gonna make hurricanes. I will make it rain with lighting and thunder. Just so you know we are still here! Asshole!

Tomioka didn't say anything and just sunked into the water.

Obanai:Dude don't waste your energy on him.

Uzui:I can't hear him.

Rengoku:He is doing his job though the moon is coming into its place and the sun it setting.

Misturi started to cry a bit.

Misturi:Why would he say he hated us? What was so important about his past life that it made him hate us?

Obanai:That asshole.

Shinobu:It is okay Misturi, he will come around.

Sanemi:That asshole is like a tsunami of emotions.

Obanai:Like Shinobu said that asshole will come back eventually.

3 billion years later.

Humans took over the earth and made there changes to it. The gods that were there could not do any harm to them so they couldn't stop them.

The gods had to live in the modern-day world with them acting like normal human beings.

They all live in a house together, working jobs, some are in school.

Sanemi:Muichiro get up! You have to go to school!

Muichiro:No. I could just take form of an adult and not have to go anymore.

Sanemi:No cause then you would have to ascended back into the gods land and go back into your stone for probably another 1000 of years. Do you really want to do that?

Muichiro:What were we talking about?

Sanemi:You air head.

That is basically how it is. Sanemi and them would go to work Muichiro to school. They all were happy living together in the same house.

Well all except Tomioka.

Tomioka did live in the same city but they didn't know that. He lived in an apartment close to the beach. He was a life guard.

He was actually employee of the month as no one ever drowned on his watch. He would save them and they all granted him a hero.

If that was true. He would get into the water but would use his powers to save them.

He didn't care for humans. They made his life more miserable since they were so fragile.

He knew the other gods lived in the same city but he chose not to interact with them.


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