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Through out the whole week Sanemi would leave at the same time everyday, and return at ungodly times at night.

Wednesday the most of the others stayed up. The others being Obanai, Misturi, Shinobu, and Uzui.

They sat in the livingroom and when they all heard the door open they were ready with their questions.

Sanemi walked in and saw all of the sitting down looking at him.

Sanemi:This an intervention?

Uzui:No-wait actually maybe.

Shinobu:So where you been Sanemi?


Obanai:Hm? Out where? Tomioka's apartment?


Misturi:I'm guessing that means he forgave you? And you are doing aftercare?

Sanemi groaned now it was embarrassing to him.

Sanemi:Yes. Stop bringing that up.

Obanai:So you guys hooking up every single day of the week now?

Sanemi:Hey, look. He is working all day from 5:00 to 6:30. He is stressed and I agreed to be there.

Shinobu:Why not stay there? Tokito complains that you make to much noise around this time?

Sanemi:Brat, well my shit is here?

Obanai:Why not take some shit there?

Sanemi:I'm allowed to do that?

Uzui:Are you going there to hook up with him or his neighbor? Of course you can do that. Just ask.

Sanemi:Jeez, I feel like I'm being kicked out.

Shinobu:Well if you and Tomioka-San get together wouldn't it be better if you lived in the same place?

Sanemi:I guess, I'll talk to him.

Uzui:Before or after pounding into him?

Sanemi:Probably after. Good night.

He went to his room and thought about it. It would be better to live with Tomioka. Would make hook ups easier to. He went to sleep thinking about it.

The next day it was around 4 o'clock and Sanemi had just got off work and went to his room. To go take a shower.

Rengoku:Sanemi buddy! Question.

Sanemi:What do you want? But make it quick I have to get ready.

Rengoku:What am I hearing about you moving out?

Muichiro:Your moving out!?

Sanemi:Maybe! I'm not for sure. I'm founding out tonight if I can!

Muichiro:Can I have your room when your gone!?

Sanemi:Maybe! Now leave me alone!

He closed his door and went into the shower, making sure he was clean on every part of his body and he shaved and kept himself very well groomed.

This was in routine throughout this week. He only wanted to offer Tomioka the most best cleanest man he could be.

So now it was 5 o'clock. He was done and dressed. He smelled and looked clean.

Obanai:Enjoy your d-appointment. Or would it be ass appointment since your the top?

Sanemi:Shut up.

He walked out and walked to Tomioka's place. Once there he pulled out a set of keys Tomioka made for him so he could get in when he was not there.

Sanemi:I have keys now, so I guess that means I am kinda moved in? I think?

He went to the bed room and sat on the bed and pulled out his phone. He started to tap away and kept messing with it until he heard the door open. Not wanting to seem desperate he stayed laid down but put his phone down.

It wasn't long before the bed room door swung open and Tomioka came running in and jumping ontop of Sanemi.

Sanemi:Excited are we?

Tomioka:I am, I've been looking forward to this all day.

A drop of water dripped off Tomioka's face. And that is when Sanemi noticed he was drenched.

Sanemi:Is this sea water?

Tomioka:Damn it. I forgot to rinse off my face and hair. I'll be back.

He got up and was about to take his shirt off but Sanemi grabbed his arm.

Sanemi:Why don't we do it in the shower. It is faster, we will be all clean before and after doing it.


He smiled and they went into the bathroom kissing and undressing themselves. The shower was shortly turned on and they stepped inside and started their unholy acts.


After they were done and clean they got out and dried themselves off, they were to lazy to get dressed so the just climbed into bed. Tomioka laying his head on Sanemi's chest and Sanemi had his arm wrapped around Tomioka.

Sanemi:Hey Giyuu, you awake?


He flipped so he was on his stomach and he looked up at Sanemi who was looking down at him.

Sanemi:So the others expressed their concers about me coming back so late, like apparently I make a lot of noise. So they suggested that I stay here after we do it instead of going home.

Tomioka:Sanemi, did they kick you out?

He started to chuckle it sounded funny the way Sanemi said it.

Sanemi:I think so?

Tomioka:Well you are welcomed to move in if that is what you are asking? I don't mind and it makes it easier to get into your pants.

He smiled and kissed Sanemi's lips.

Sanemi:Thank God that you said it first. I was nervous ask.

Tomioka:Well since you have a key, you can start moving your stuff into tomorrow. But for now let's sleep, you went a lot more rough today and I'm worn out.

Tomioka placed a kiss on Sanemi's lips both deepened the kiss before pulling away and laying comfortably in bed.

They went to sleep holding each other. Both slept through the whole night the did move here and there. But Sanemi realized that he has been getting more restful nights since sleeping with Tomioka at his side. Maybe it was the fact he had someone to keep him comfortable or maybe it was the fact he was scared to stay awake and move around and cause Tomioka to wake up.

Tomioka's night were also full of rest. He never seemed to like to sleep as it caused dreams to appear. The dreams that showed the past lives of his fellow gods. But now the dreams were of only Sanemi and him all he saw was the good moments he and Sanemi where they were demon slayers. They fell inlove and lived together.

He was happy to see these memories as it made him enjoy the life he had now with Sanemi. Now he could not imagine a world without Sanemi.

Whether they were friends or not. Or dating. All he wanted was to live comfortably with Sanemi because that is all he needed.

All he wanted, he wanted to live a life where he and Sanemi were comfortable living on the same earth.


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