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Hello people, I think I'll be writing for frequent now.. heehhehee.


"Yeah, dadda's gonna come home soon.. I know.. I know." he was over the phone with Exton, looking at Rose occasionally, ever since they left, she was always preoccupied with things on her mind. "I love you, honey, i'll talk to you soon hmm?"

"Does Exton miss you?" He was startled, looking into Rose's eyes.

"Uh-no, he's quite busy with his mother." rose looked at her feet, knowing that he's lying. It's been 2 weeks since they've left Malibu, two more weeks, she counted.

"Robert, Susan.. Asked me something." she took a deep breath, forcing herself to look into his eyes. Her mouth went dry, words wouldn't come out. Downey looked at her, curious what his ex-complicated-wife said.

"Rose, what did she say? I'll call her and fuck her up, if sh-" she thought that if she didn't speak now, it would infuriate him enough to.. well fuck Susan up.

"Dont do that, there's no need to." she nervously chuckled, touching his arms to calm him down. "Downey.. I.. Called Susan to come over Milan.. With Exton along. She said he missed you too much."

"Rose.. I really don't think-"

"It's fine, I really don't mind, I know he'll be happy to see you." She smiled at him.

"You're really fine, with my ex-wife coming over to Milan, while this is supposed to be a trip for us?"

"He misses you, downey. I have no right to take you away from him." He bit his bottom lip, a little pissed off, he wanted to be alone with her.

"Right." he turned his back around and walked away from her, leaving her alone in the cafe.


"Hello buddy." Exton jumped onto downey, hugging him tightly, he threw him in the air, causing Exton to giggle.

"I booked a hotel room for you and Exton." he looked at Susan, she was unusually well dressed. ".. Dinner tonight. so why don't you go get some rest?" He looked at his son and he went off with his mother.

Meanwhile, Rose just found her way back to the hotel, cursing like a sailor after downey.

"You left me fucking alone, what is wrong with you?" She shoved Downey in their president suite.

"You made a decision without asking me!"

"It was a surprise! Goddamnit, Exton missed you! Don't you care about him?" She lowered her voice, not asking for them to fight.

"I do and i will always do but rose, I wanted to spend time with you! I.. Just wanted you all to myself." her cheeks turned crimson, although downey felt selfish but he was too deeply caught up with her.

"I won't join you for dinner tonight.. to not make things awkward. I'll wait for you to come back and we'll go out.. alone." He nodded, pulling her into a kiss, his hands slowly sliding down her back.

"Sounds good to me."

"This is very nice." Susan exclaimed smiling at downey.

"It is." They were walking back to the hotel, he was desperately begging to go back.

"Downey, I screwed up big time." she apologized, toying with her scarf. "Our son needs you, I..need you."

"Wait a fucking minute, if you think that this is an opportunity for you to slid back in. Im telling you it's a no." she wouldn't give up so easily, after coming all the way to Milan, it's worth a try.

"If someone is willing to let us reunite, why not?" He was confused with what she was saying, who tell hell is she talking about?

"Shut up, there's no one on earth would do that. you're a psychopath. Did you remember how you cheated on me?" His voice cracked at little.

"I placed the past behind-"

"You know what? I've had enough of this, goodnight Susan." downey went back to his hotel room, Rose was watching tv on the couch.

"Are you ready?" Rose turned around holding a glass of wine. " I can't believe you drank wine without me." She chuckled handing him her glass.

"I thought you might return any moment by now." he laid on her thighs, looking at her beautiful lips speaking. "How was dinner?"

"Don't wanna talk about it." He felt the betrayal of his wife again, and boy, it hurts like a bitch .

"Well.. Let's get out of here." she held his hands, pulling him out of their hotel room.


"I can't believe we're eating Gelato at this temperature." they chuckled, Downey hugged her tightly in his arms.

"Susan told me something, that I've been wanting to ask you." he laid his head on top of hers.

"Well, ask ahead." Rose could've guessed what it was, he came back earlier than she would have expected, something must have went wrong.

"She said someone is willing back out for me to reconcile with my ex-wife.. I'm wondering if it's you." Downey lifted her chin, so that he could see her eyes.

"I promised her that I would leave you after this trip." He sighed, intertwining their fingers together.

"And you're just going to disappear from me?" She felt the guilt, it was unfair to him, he had a right to choose.

"I.. Don't know. If you were me, what would you do?" He didn't know how to answer either, it was too complicated for both of them.

"Rose, I'm too selfish to answer that for you." her eyes still fixed on his, she was unable to make a choice and she hated it. It feels like a situation hanging on a string tied to the tallest building there is, letting go will just make you fall hard, hanging on.. is just painful.

"Alright, maybe it's time for me to go back and settle down while we think this through." he frowned, shaking his head furiously.

"You're not leaving until this trip is over cause I'm not done loving you yet." She couldn't stop herself from smiling.

"Calm down, i was just suggesting. I'm not done being loved yet." he smirked kissing her forehead.


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